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Romanian Deputies Decide Freelancers Must Pay Pension Insurance Contributions

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies Wednesday adopted an amendment to the pension bill whereby people who gain income from freelance activities, other than salary income, must pay contributions to the public pension system.
Romanian Deputies Decide Freelancers Must Pay Pension Insurance Contributions
Ioana Tudor
15 sept. 2010, 20:27, English

The amendment, which had been rejected by the Chamber of Deputies’ labor committee, was adopted by deputies with 118 to 76 votes and eight abstentions during plenary debates on the country’s pension bill, which must be adopted by the end of September.

The measure will apply to people who gain income from copyright, contracts or conventions.

The Government approved in early August the application norms for recent amendments to the Fiscal Code, which extend the tax pool and introduce social security contributions for income gained from copyright.