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Construction Contract For Romania Comarnic-Brasov Highway To Be Signed Early ‘09- Min

The contract targeting construction works on the highway section linking Comarnic town, southern Romania, to Brasov, central Romania, will be signed early 2009, Romania’s transport minister Ludovic Orban said Wednesday.
Construction Contract For Romania Comarnic-Brasov Highway To Be Signed Early ‘09- Min
05 nov. 2008, 12:55, English

Construction works on the 58-kilometer highway section will be carried out in lease system.

Orban will meet Thursday with the consortiums that submitted offers to set the deadline for analyzing the final offers.

The ministry short-listed four consortiums, as follows: the first consortium is fomed of Astrada Concessions, Strabag, Egis and Eurovia Housing&Contructions, the second one is based on the partnership between CAP Consortium Autostrada Prahova, which includes companies Colas SA, Bouygues Travaux Publics, DTP-Terrassement SA, and Meridian Infrastructure Finance SRL & Intertoll Europe ZRT.

The third consortium is formed of companies Vinci Concessions-Aktor Concessions-Vinci Construction Grands Projets-Aktor, while the fourth consortium is called Austrada A3 Comarnic-Brasov Consonoi Bilfinger Berger Porr.

The Comarnic-Brasov highway section is split into two segments, namely Comarnic-Predeal (36.2 kilometers) and Predeal-Brasov (21.8 kilometers), which total over 50 bridges, passageways and viaducts.

The contract value, which includes costs for upkeep and operation services over a 25-year period, was assessed at EUR3.33 billion, VAT included, and the price/kilometer nears EUR60 million.