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PM, About Minister Ilie’s Position: It Is ALDE’s Choice, He Does Not Work Directly With Brussels

Romanian Prime Minister Mihai Tudose explained Friday why minister Viorel Ilie retained his position within the Cabinet, although ministers Sevil Shhaideh and Rovana Plumb have resigned, and said that it represents the choice of Ilie's party, the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE).
PM, About Minister Ilie’s Position: It Is ALDE’s Choice, He Does Not Work Directly With Brussels
Miruna Gaman
13 oct. 2017, 17:50, English

“I did not mention the two colleagues’ incompetence or the fact they might be guilty, but the perception Brussels can have on the situation. I understood, Mr Ilie Viorel does not work directly with Brussels,” said Tudose.

The prime minister added that the social democrats did what they have to do concerning their ministers, while Ilie is supported by junior Alliance of Liberals and Democrats.

Deputy prime minister and regional development minister Sevil Shhaideh and minister in charge of EU funds Rovana Plumb announced their resignation after anticorruption prosecutors began an investigation into them for abuse of office in a land-transfer case. Prime Minister Mihai Tudose had previously mentioned that the corruption allegations surrounding the two have led to problems with the European Commission. „We have a reality and a perception. The reality is the presumption of innocence, but the perception in Brussels is completely different,” said the prime minister.

Anticorruption prosecutors had demanded an investigation into minister for liaison with Parliament Viorel Ilie for allegedly rigging a job contest at his ministry. The Senate rejected prosecutors’ request to lift Ilie’s immunity and his party granted him political support.