Petre Toba, head of the Romania General Police Department, urged all police squads to supervise school entrances and constantly monitor students, and pointed out that schools are a top priority for police departments.
Following talks with Nica, Toba immediately summoned all managers and directors within the police force to closely analyze the situation and take safety measures within and around schools to avoid any unfortunate incidents.
Toba ordered police squads to work side by side with gendarmes and community police officers within schools and in areas surrounding schools, adding public safety squads must do their job even when students do not have classes, a press release of the police department read.
Toba stressed that monitoring devices should be properly located for a quicker intervention in case of unfortunate events notified on emergency number 112.
As regards road traffic, government emergency decree 195/2002 stipulates that public road administrators must eliminate any obstacle that might jeopardize traffic safety and take all necessary measures.