Romania’s European Affairs Minister Leonard Orban said there is at least one EU state which had no reason to extend work restrictions. He declined to name the respective state, adding it is well known.
Orban, who was chief negotiator for Romania’s accession to the European Union, pointed out that only exceptional cases on EU states’ labor markets would justify prolonging work restriction for two more years.
Nine of the eleven EU member states that applied work restrictions for Romanians informed the European Commission in time that they will not open their labor markets yet, the EC said last week.
The nine EU states justified their decision to prolong the ban, said the EC.
According to the source, the eleven EU states that had their labor markets closed for Romanians and Bulgarians at the end of 2011 are: Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, France, Italy, Luxemburg, Malta, the Netherlands, Austria and the UK.
Of them, nine decided to keep work restrictions and notified the EC in time, namely by December 31, 2011: the UK (November 24), Ireland (December 15), Germany (December 21), Belgium (December 22), France (December 23), Luxemburg (December 22), Malta (December 22), the Netherlands (December 23), and Austria (December 22). They do not need the EC approval to prolong the ban, said the Commission.
Italy and the Czech Republic informed the Commission they will fully apply the EU legislation regarding the free movement of workforce starting January 1, 2012, said the EC.
The Commission reiterated that all EU labor market restrictions must be lifted by December 31, 2013 at the latest.