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SMEs Call for Urgent Government Action to Navigate Covid-19 Crisis

SMEs Call for Urgent Government Action to Navigate Covid-19 Crisis

Publicat: 16 03. 2020, 13:03
Actualizat: 16 03. 2020, 13:05

A survey conducted by the Romanian SMEs Council in the period March 12-15 polled 8,374 entrepreneurs, of which 61.8% micro-enterprises, 23.2% small enterprises, 9.3% mid-sized enterprises and 5.7% other types of small businesses.

Based on the poll, the association has issued a list of ten proposed measures which it has sent to the government for consideration, said association president Florin Jianu.

1. State aid program to subsidize up to 75% of salary payments for employees in affected sectors;

2. Full and direct payment from the healthcare budget of indemnities for medical leave for employees infected with the coronavirus or under quarantine;

3. Postponing payment of social security contributions by up to three months;

4. Postponing tax payments fro SMEs in difficulty;

5. Financing for SMEs with zero interest;

6. Communication plan including a website detailing all measures to support the economy during this period;

7. Refinancing or extending maturity on loans;
8. Paying from the state budget 75% of the salary of parents requiring days off to supervise children as schools are closed;
9. Ensuring the legal framework for flexible work policies;

10. Introducing loan mediation for SMEs.

Entrepreneurs said support measures should be adopted within a week (37.8%), a month (33.4%) and two weeks (28.8%).