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Romanian Govt To Back Bucharest Mayoralty In Basarab Passageway Case- PM

Romanian Govt To Back Bucharest Mayoralty In Basarab Passageway Case- PM

Publicat: 19 02. 2009, 12:28
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:13

Oprescu recently urged Boc to issue a government decision declaring the Basarab passageway of public utility and allowing further construction works after the Bucharest Court of Appeals ruled the passageway is no longer of public utility.
The court’s final and binding decision annulled the previous decision of the Bucharest General Council regarding the public utility of the passageway, after the court ruled the law regulating expropriations was breached.
The Bucharest General Council adopted Decision 160/2006 on July 6, 2006 declaring the Basarab passageway of public utility. The same decision allowed the expropriation of private property buildings located on the site on which the passageway was to be built, among which three buildings registered on the list of historic monuments. 
On April 9, 2008, the Bucharest Court ruled that Law 33/1994 regarding expropriations for public utility was breached when declaring the Basarab passageway of public utility.