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Constitutional Court Rejects Challenge To Data Protection Bill

Romania’s Constitutional Court rejected on Tuesday a challenge made by the opposition Liberal Party against a bill which obliges communications operators to inform users who are targeted by interceptions of the matter within 60 days.
Constitutional Court Rejects Challenge To Data Protection Bill
Ionut Preda
20 nov. 2018, 18:31, English

The court decided unanimously that the bill respects constitutional provisions, and will be sent to President Klaus Iohannis for enactment.

The liberals stated in the challenge that the bill’s provisions were unclear and violate other provisions of the country’s Criminal Procedure Code, arguing that it might obstruct criminal investigations with legal interception warrants.

The bill, passed by the Parliament on October 10, will also have operators announced the target persons the timeframe in which they will be intercepted, the judicial basis of the interception as well as its reasoning.

They can choose, however, to postpone the measure or not disclose certain information if it deems it necessary to avoid obstructing a criminal investigation.