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Romanian President To Promulgate Public Body Reorganization, Unitary Wage Laws

Romanian President To Promulgate Public Body Reorganization, Unitary Wage Laws

Publicat: 05 11. 2009, 11:00
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:34

Basescu said the laws’ promulgation is important for the agreements with the International Monetary Fund. „It is important that the commitments to the IMF be respected,” he said, adding that he will negotiate with political parties to address any subsequent observations they might have.

The Romanian Constitutional Court Wednesday ruled that the Law on the reorganizing of certain public authorities and the public sector unitary wage law are constitutional.

In its Wednesday meeting, the Constitutional Court (CC) analyzed objections of unconstitutionality raised against the Law regarding the reorganization of public institutions and authorities, rationalization of public expenses, support for business environment and respect for the frame-agreements with the European Commission and International Monetary Fund, the frame-Law regarding the unitary wage system for public sector staff, and the Law on national education, according to a Court press release.

The CC ruled that the Law on the reorganization of public authorities is constitutional, as Chapter IV of the law does not refer to people whose term is fixed explicitly in the Constitution.

Also, the CC ruled the unitary wage law is constitutional, as the provisions of article 41, section (2) letter e), against which the objection of unconstitutionality was raised, do not refer to cases in which the Constitution expressly permits the cumulus of positions.

The CC’s explanatory note will be published in the Official Journal of Romania. The laws will be sent to the President of Romania for promulgation.