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Chamber Session Shutdown Is An Option – Romanian Chamber Speaker

Romanian Chamber Speaker Bogdan Olteanu said Tuesday he will end the ordinary Chamber session when he feels pressure building up on the budget or Romania, adding he called on political leaders to give up on populist measures such as boosting the salaries of teachers.
Chamber Session Shutdown Is An Option - Romanian Chamber Speaker
07 oct. 2008, 14:04, English

"These days I have called on the Parliament and political leaders, to submit a moratorium regarding the populist measures that have significant financial effects, which would strike at the next Government. I hope political wisdom will prevail. […] and if I feel there is major pressure with an impact on national security I can call on the provisions of article 66 of the Constitution to close the session," Olteanu said.

He added that, according to the Constitution, he is the one who "calls the ordinary session” and “the one who closes it.”

Asked if his statement “is a threat,” Olteanu said “it is not a threat,” but an “observation.”

"It is a state of fact. We can all see the international financial situation, which has an impact on Romania. We see the exchange rates nearing RON4 per EUR1 and we need to act responsibly," the liberal said.

He added the plenary Chamber would finish, Tuesday, the draft laws on the agenda, and will cast the final vote Wednesday.