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Romanian Environment Min Finds Hundreds EU Fund Applications In Bathroom

Romanian Environment Minister Nicolae Nemirschi told a press conference Saturday that over 350 files submitted by mayors asking for European funds to set up parks or green spaces were found in a bathroom on the first flour of the Environment Ministry.
Romanian Environment Min Finds Hundreds EU Fund Applications In Bathroom
07 feb. 2009, 18:25, English

“I see you haven’t attracted funds for parks. The matter in August 2008, which referred to the setting up of parks and green areas, is not over. I’ll tell you why it isn’t over. Because three weeks ago, I found 367 files near the water closet on the first floor of the Environment Ministry. At one point, I asked if application deadline had expired, and where the files were. Nobody knew. I found them. They were there,” the minister said.

Ion Prioteasa, head of the Local Council Dolj, southern Romania, told the same press conference that the mayors in the county submitted applications to access EU funds, and some of them might be among the files the minister found.