Preda Nedelcu, head of the National Federation of Pensioners’ Union in Romania, asked the government Thursday, on behalf of all pensioners, not to apply the decree for public sector pensioners whose pensions are lower than RON3.000.
Nedelcu also said pensioners want to see the minimum pension reaching RON350, adding they also want the minimum consumer basket to be calculated again and used to substantiate social protection polices.
Moreover, pensioners urged the government to draft a law for the public pension system aiming to reunite all pension systems and eliminate all existent inequities, as well as to maintain the 2008 spa tickets system.
He added the drug reference price is "tricky and diabolic" for pensioners and requested compensations be granted in ratio with the retail price in drug stores.
Nedelcu highlighted that pensioners are considering boycotting the 2009 presidential elections unless the government meets their demands.