"We have all reached the conclusion that in the Government the ministers need to show solidarity, the Government needs to stand united in the decisions it makes, the ministers need to back all Government decisions, and if one of the ministers feels a decision goes beyond criteria they have undertaken, that minister has a solution that needs to be applied in Romania as well in the end, it is that minister’s duty of honor to resign the Government, when they feel the Government’s decision is unacceptable for said minister," Stolojan said at the end of the meeting.
He added “the Government’s solidarity cannot be questioned nor negotiated."
The official also said there can be no question of a protocol between the two parties forming the Government coalition, the social democrats and democrat liberals, regarding the candidates for Presidency, since this institution is not part of the protocol for the partnership between the two parties.
"The Partnership for Romania has very clear provisions regarding the conduct of each party member from the two parties forming the partnership. what we have discussed in the coalition meeting and in the National Standing Office meeting was the fact that the Government needs to do its job," Stolojan added.
Romanian development minister Vasile Blaga said Saturday evening on television station Realitatea TV that Prime Minister Emil Boc is no longer willing to accept negative comments regarding the act of Government and he has already warned the social democrat ministers in this respect. The social democrats soon denied the existence of such a warning issued by Boc for their ministers, adding there is no tension within the Government coalition and all protocols and deals signed are observed.