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Romanian Teachers To Be Evaluated In Two Stages At The End Of School Year – Draft

Romania’s Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation proposed new performance criteria for teachers in the pre-university education system, who would be evaluated at the end of each school year, in two stages.
Romanian Teachers To Be Evaluated In Two Stages At The End Of School Year – Draft
04 iul. 2009, 14:04, English

According to the draft, up for public debate on the ministry’s website, performance criteria target an increase in the quality of education by setting clear responsibilities for teachers both from the point of view of quality and considering the education system is undergoing a process of decentralization.

Under the new criteria, teachers would be evaluated after each school year, in two stages. The first stage consists of self-evaluation and evaluation by the teacher’s direct superior and the manager of the school unit. The second evaluation stage will consist of an interview before the administrative council of the schooling unit that employs the respective teacher.

A final evaluation chart will be filled during the second stage and differences between the three evaluations completed during the first stage would be mediated, reaching a final rating.