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Five more deaths, reported by GCS on Wednesday. The toll reaches 362 deaths due to COVID-19

Five more deaths, reported by GCS on Wednesday. The toll reaches 362 deaths due to COVID-19

Publicat: 15 04. 2020, 13:05
Actualizat: 15 04. 2020, 13:24

According to the quoted source, it is about a woman, 66 years old from Ialomiţa county.

„Date of admission: 22.03.2020 directly on the ATI Section. Test date: 23.03.2020. Result date: 24.03.2020. Date of death: 14.04.2020. Background: HTA, type II diabetes, insulin-dependent, cardiovascular disease”, according to GCS information.

Also, a 73-year-old man from Botoşani county died from COVID-19.

„Date of admission to the cardiology department of Mavromaţi county Hospital 05.04.2020. Harvest date: 09.04.2020. Date of result: 09.04.2020. Date of death: 13.04.2020. Background: cardio-vascular disease, diabetes ”, according to GCS.

The 360 death is related to a man, 61 years old, from Botoşani county.

„Date of admission to the cardiology section of the Mavromaţi County Hospital 07.04.2020. Date of test: 10.04.2020. Date of result: 10.04.2020. Date of death: 14.04.2020. Background: cardiovascular disease”, shows the Strategic Communication Group.

These last two people were salon colleagues and contacts with a confirmed medical case by department.

The death of a 74-year-old man from Botoşani county was also reported on Wednesday.

„Date of admission to the Infectious Diseases section of the Mavromaţi county Hospital 09.04.2020. Date of harvest: 11.04.2020. Date of result: 12.04.2020. Date of death: 14.04.2020. Background: cardio-vascular disease, HTA, type II diabetes mellitus”, shows GCS.

The death of a 55-year-old man from Bistriţa Năsăud county was also reported on Wednesday.

„Date of admission: 12.04.2020 – Beclean CPU – transferred to the Heart Institute of Cluj Napoca on 13.04.2020. Date of harvest: 13.04.2020. Result date: 14.04.2020. Date of death: 14.04.2020. Background: cardio-vascular disease, HTA, IMA in the background, stroke in the background”, according to the source mentioned.