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Romanian PM Gains Parliament Confidence Vote For New Cabinet

Romania’s Parliament Wednesday gave a confidence vote to the 15-minister Cabinet proposed by democrat liberal Prime Minister Emil Boc, which now has to adopt the 2010 state budget and submitted to Parliament in a bid to unlock further tranches of an IMF-led EUR20 billion loan the country relies on.
Romanian PM Gains Parliament Confidence Vote For New Cabinet
23 dec. 2009, 15:16, English

Boc’s Cabinet got 276 votes in favor and 135 against. It needed 236 votes to pass.

The government, made up of democrat liberals, members of the Hungarian minority party UDMR and independents, plans to hold a Cabinet meeting later in the day to approve the state budget, which it will forward to Parliament for adoption by mid-January.

Romania has been without a legitimate government since Boc’s previous Cabinet collapsed in a no-confidence vote in October, which prompted international financial institutions to withhold further disbursements of the EUR20 billion loan the country needs to fight the recession until a legitimate Cabinet is installed.