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Romanian Health Ministry To Propose Hospital-Media Communication Rules

Romania’s health minister Eugen Nicolaescu told a news conference Saturday he decided to introduce public communication rules following the clash between journalists and hospital security earlier this week at a children’s hospital in Bucharest.
Romanian Health Ministry To Propose Hospital-Media Communication Rules
22 mart. 2008, 16:59, English
Nicolaescu said such rules are necessary to avoid "confusion” such as that created after the incident, which occurred mainly because both sides thought they had more rights.
Journalists and hospital security clashed on Thursday as journalists tried to get details about a young girl who had been hit by the interior minister’s car earlier in the day.
"Due to the lack of clear and precise rules, the press thought they had more rights, the hospital management thought that too and this led to the conflict between journalists and hospital security,” Nicolaescu said, adding he hopes police will soon establish “who was wrong and how wrong they were”.
The minister also said he asked his colleagues to draft a regulation that includes a chapter regarding public communication, a report on the relations between the press and hospitals. He added he expects the regulation to be completed in one month and then it would be put up for public debate.