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Romanian President Issues Referendum Decree

Romanian president Traian Basescu issued Thursday the decree organizing the referendum for a single-chamber Parliament and reducing the number of Parliament Members to at most 300, despite Parliament opposition.
Romanian President Issues Referendum Decree
22 oct. 2009, 18:44, English

The referendum is to be organized on November 22, simultaneously with the first round of presidential elections.

Basescu said the decree contains two articles. The citizens are called to express their will, through „yes” or „no” in two questions, one regarding the single-chamber Parliament, and the other regarding the number of MPs, proposed to be reduced to 300.

He added he signed the decree since the Parliament’s approval, or in this case disapproval, is consultative.

The Government will hold a meeting Friday to establish the normative frame and methodology for the organization of the referendum.

The Parliament gave Basescu’s call for referendum a vote of disapproval, but the president is expected to issue a decree for its organization Thursday, as the Parliament’s opinion is just consultative.