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Survey Shows Flat Prices Per Sqm Higher Than Villa Prices In S Bucharest

Survey Shows Flat Prices Per Sqm Higher Than Villa Prices In S Bucharest

Publicat: 20 05. 2010, 15:39
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:57

In southern Bucharest, the average price of an apartment is of EUR930 per sqm, down 29% from January 2009. Old villas are cheaper in this area than the old apartments, namely EUR810/sqm, analysis showed.

The average price of a villa or an old apartment in western Bucharest fell below EUR1,000/sqm, the survey says.

On the other hand, the highest difference in the sale price of the two types of dwellings is recorded in the ultra-central area of Bucharest, namely EUR1,000/sqm, given that the owners of old apartments ask EUR1,450/sqm while villa owners ask EUR2,450/sqm.

Significant price gaps are also registered on the luxury homes market, where the price for an old apartment is of EUR2,020/sqm, and a villa price is of EUR2,950/sqm.

In center Bucharest, the difference between the two types of dwellings is of EUR650/sqm. Thus, old apartments are put up for sale at EUR1,190/sqm, and villas at EUR1,840/sqm.

The average price of apartments in northern Bucharest reached EUR1,250/sqm, EUR240 lower compared with villa prices. In the eastern part of the city, the difference is of EUR210/sqm, respectively EUR1,000/sqm for apartments and EUR1,210/sqm for houses.