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Ukraine Stops Works At Bystroe Canal

The Ukrainian authorities annulled their decision to carry on with the second stage of works at the Danube-Black Sea deep-water navigation canal (the “Bystroe Canal Project”), Romanian Foreign Ministry said in a statement Friday.
Ukraine Stops Works At Bystroe Canal
15 aug. 2008, 19:05, English

Romania salutes Ukraine’s decision as a step forward towards observing international conventions in the field, the ministry said.

It mentioned the Romanian party is open to resume dialogue with Ukrainian officials to identify together a solution regarding the Bystroe Canal Project, in accordance with the international regulations.

Ukraine annulled its unilateral decision of December 2007 to carry on with the works at the Bystroe Canal on August 11, following the non-compliance decision issued by the parties to the UNECE convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context (the Espoo convention).

The Romanian Foreign Ministry said it has received a copy of the annulling act.

The parties to the Espoo Convention, which took place in Bucharest between May 19 and May 21, said Ukraine failed to observe the provisions concerning the Bystroe Canal and sent a non-compliance decision to the authorities in Kiev.

Ukraine also received a warning not to carry on works at Bystroe Canal, which would have significant adverse transboundary effects on the environment.

The participants in the Convention invited Ukraine to carry on negotiations with neighboring countries, to cooperate in drawing bilateral agreements and to send reports to the Convention on its cooperation progress with neighboring states, “and with Romania in particular.”