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Romanian Democrat Liberals Propose 37 Anti-Crisis Measures

Romanian economy minister Adriean Videanu presented Sunday in a press conference the anti-crisis measures proposed by his party, such as the widening of de minimis aid for small and medium sized companies (SMEs), adding 37 measures have been found and will be discussed in the Government coalition.
Romanian Democrat Liberals Propose 37 Anti-Crisis Measures
16 aug. 2009, 17:58, English

Videanu said the anti-crisis target economic growth, the increase of budget revenues, the rationalization of budget spending and the increase of liquidity in the banking system.

Regarding economic growth, the democrat liberals propose a state aid scheme for SMEs, targeting the widening of de minimis aid for SMEs in amounts between EUR200,000 and EUR500,000, Videanu said.

He explained this de minimis aid can be used for the unlocking of budget and commercial debts on an SME level.

Asked about the sources of the funds needed for the widening of the de minimis aid, Videanu said the money will come from the budget resources available.

At the same time, the democrat liberals support production for export through guarantees and counter-guarantees. Here, the state needs to widen the range of guarantees and counter-guarantees, through Eximbank, to support export production.

Videanu said the democrat liberals propose the tax exemption of profits reinvested in real economy, as well as the granting of fiscal credit for the renewal and upgrade of homes and buildings, since this is a major area for tax evasion at the moment.

According to Viceanu, the democrat liberals also propose the unlocking of good delivery guarantees, which involves the replacement of cash guarantees with a bank guarantee letter, as well as development of a national environment and irrigation investment project, complementary with a system for protection against vicissitudes.

As for the increase of budget revenues, the democrat liberals propose the speedier valuation of attribution units in accordance with the Kyoto protocol. Videanu explained Romania has some 250-280 million tons of CO2 emissions available, which means over EUR2.5 million and which, valued, could create the premises for investment in real economy.

He added the democrat liberals also propose the sale, after careful analysis by company, of the minority stakes held by the state’s privatization authorities under the Ministry of Economy as well as the sale of state-held land occupied by residential buildings.

The democrat liberals also agree with the introduction of the lump sum tax, and the replacement of the minimum tax, on activities where tax evasion is difficult to evaluate, coupled with a speedier enactment of the public-private partnership law.

HE added the democrat liberals propose the analysis of the possibilities for the reduction of tax evasion, in areas such as fuel, the excise on alcohol and tobacco.

As for the restructuring of budget spending, the PDL proposed the restructuring of fiscal watchdog ANAF, based on the premise of fiscal simplification and the reduction of tax evasion, so that ANAF would have to focus on the evasion segment.

According to Videanu, the PDL proposes the enactment of the fiscal responsibility law for the evaluation of performance in the main institutions that take out loans, to see how public funds are managed, as well as the improvement of financial control procedures, internal public audit and internal control in the state’s institutions.

PDL also requests the restructuring and depolitization of structural fund managing authorities, as well as the instatement of treatment symmetry between economic agents and the state as far as budget debts are concerned.

As for the increase of liquidity in the banking system, the PDL proposes the temporary tax exemption of the interest rate connected to sums deposited in banks, as well as the increase of the share held by the short and very short term internal public loan in the total internal public loan.