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Romania’s PM Calls On Prefects To Forgo Leave, Be Present In Areas Affected By Floods

Romania’s Prime Minister Emil Boc called on his Cabinet ministers to go to the areas affected by floods and urged prefects on vacation to go back to work immediately and take swifter measures to evacuate people affected by floods.
Romania’s PM Calls On Prefects To Forgo Leave, Be Present In Areas Affected By Floods
30 iun. 2010, 15:44, English

Boc told ministers at the beginning of Wednesday’s Government meeting to go to the areas affected by floods and remain there until flooding ends, in order to assess damages and prevent other human life losses. The prime minister also told prefects to drop plans to go on vacation.

Romania Interior Minister Vasile Blaga called on prefects to explain to people in the affected areas that they must evacuate flooded homes and leave their livestock behind to save their own lives.

According to meteorologists, the code yellow advisory for rain has been extended until at least Thursday, and the code red alert for floods stays valid until Friday.

According to data presented Wednesday during the Government meeting, flooding in Romania in recent days has claimed the lives of 22 people and about 7,000 others were forced to flee their homes to safety.

The latest reports show 2,917 homes have been flooded and 206 homes have collapsed.

Blaga said procedures have been started to access the EU Solidarity Fund, which can be accessed in case of force majeure if damages sustained exceed EUR3 billion, which is not the case of Romania, or if damages exceed 0.6% of gross domestic product, where Romania qualifies. The minister said Romania could get EUR75 million relief from the fund.

He also said families of people who died in the floods will get a social aid of 5,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.3688).