Prima pagină » English » Romania Might Assign 6% Of GDP To Upgrade Road Infrastructure – Min

Romania Might Assign 6% Of GDP To Upgrade Road Infrastructure – Min

The Romanian government might gradually assign 6% of the gross domestic product, starting with 2009 until 2012, to upgrade the country’s road infrastructure, health minister Eugen Nicolaescu told a press conference Friday.
Romania Might Assign 6% Of GDP To Upgrade Road Infrastructure - Min
15 aug. 2008, 18:13, English

Nicolaescu said the 6% of GDP translates into a few billion euros, which will be invested in road infrastructure.

Nicolaescu said the government had several priorities for the 2005-2008 period, among which the education sector, which received a lot of money and is to receive even more, adding the 6% of GDP for road infrastructure will be introduced for the first time as of 2009.

(MEDIAFAX news agency provides audio recording of statements made by Health Minister Eugen Nicolaescu. The service can be accessed on the internet, at