Romanian PM To Address Parliament On Govt’s Legislative Priorities
„The Senate Standing Office debated and approved a schedule in reply to the Prime Minister’s letter where he asked to address the Senate regarding the Government’s legislative priorities,” said Senate quaestor Ioan Chelaru at the end of the Standing Office meeting.
He added Boc is expected to address the Senate Monday at 5 p.m.
Chamber of Deputies secretary Valeriu Zgonea said Boc is expected to address the lower chamber Tuesday, at 10 a.m., since „according to the Chamber’s regulations, the first day is devoted to the Standing Office roster and the validation of the leaders.”
Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc sent a letter to the two Chambers of Parliament announcing he wishes to present Monday the Government’s legislative priorities, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.
The legislative priorities of the Government for this year’s first Parliament session include the statute of national minorities, the criminal and civil procedure codes as well as the pension and national education laws, which will be approved by the Government in the near future.
According to a document obtained by MEDIAFAX, the Government wants the legislative procedures for the enactment of a national minorities statute concluded in the current Parliament session, at the latest by the end of June.
The list of priorities also includes the draft laws enacting the criminal procedure code and the civil procedure code, which are to be enacted by the end of June.
Draft laws that are about to be approved by the Government and sent to Parliament for debates include, according to the document, the unitary public pension system law, the national education law, amendments to the employer law, the organization of lobby activities, the simplification of publicity formalities when it comes to the construction and functioning of companies, the granting of rights to the successors of people executed for dissidence under the communist regime, the regulation of malpractice.
The Executive also wants a quick conclusion, by the end of March, to the legislative procedures approving the ordinance that created communications regulator ANCOM. The normative act has been under Parliament debates for one year now and the European Commission threatened Romania with infringement procedures if the document is not passed.
The Government list of legislative priorities also includes the fiscal responsibility law and the law creating Local Police units.