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Romanian PM Says Administrative Reorganization Is Romania’s Concern Alone

Romania’s administrative reorganization concerns Romania alone, Prime Minister Emil Boc said late Thursday in response to comments by a Hungarian high official who said Romania’s plans would represent an unacceptable change of the country’s ethnic map.
Romanian PM Says Administrative Reorganization Is Romania’s Concern Alone

„Everyone’s quick to criticize form but no one seems to be interested in actual content. The issue of administrative reorganization concerns the Romanian state alone, as with any European country,” Boc said on B1TV, adding Hungary’s ambassador to Bucharest has been invited to talks at the Romanain Foreign Ministry „to establish the grounds for a coherent, institutional dialog between Romania and Hungary.

The recently proposed administrative reorganization of Romania would represent an unacceptable change of the country’s ethnic map, said Hungarian deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjen, cited by Hungarian news agency MTI.

According to Semjen, the Romanian ruling Democratic Liberal Party’s plan to reorganize the country into eight counties, from the current 41, poses a threat to ethnic Hungarians living in the Szekler Land and Transylvania.

The Hungarian official highlighted that Romanian authorities proposed similar plans in the past, adding it is hard to tell how serious those plans were considering the „stormy” political context.

Semjen said „it is a matter of life and death” for ethnic Hungarians that the Szekler Land and the Hungarian-populated counties in Romania should stay united. He highlighted Romania has pledged not to change its ethnic map by force. He added that, should democrat liberals’ plan be implemented, the proportion of ethnic Hungarians in the new administrative units would decrease significantly.