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Romania PM: Consultations On Cabinet Reshuffling Meant To Solve Potential Conflicts

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Thursday evening on public television that the draft law revising the Constitution sets the prime minister can propose the dismissal of a minister only after consultations with the president, in a move to settle potential conflicts between state authorities.
Romania PM: Consultations On Cabinet Reshuffling Meant To Solve Potential Conflicts
23 apr. 2010, 09:17, English

Boc said the prime minister must consult with the president before he/she decides to dismiss a certain minister and stressed that if the head of state disagrees with the dismissal of the respective minister, the prime minister will then have the final say on the matter, as the president cannot reject the dismissal, not even once.

„The prime minister’s prerogative to propose the dismissal of a certain minister cannot be refuted by anybody. To avoid ping-pong situations in which the prime minister sends his proposition to the president, the latter says no and the former sends a new proposition, I have proposed that the premier and the head of state should consult before the decision to dismiss a certain minister”, Boc explained.

Boc also said that the draft law revising the Constitution also sets that the Parliament must reach a decision within ten days as to designating a new candidate to fill the vacant position of prime minister, in a move to put an end to the political crisis as soon as possible. If the Parliament fails to reach a decision within ten days, the proposition is rejected by default.

Romania’s Government has decided to put forward a draft law for the revision of the Constitution, providing for a single-chamber Parliament and a maximum of 300 MPs, which was forwarded to the head of state.