The list of operators included in the decision includes Romtelecom, UPC Romania, RCS&RDS and Vodafone Romania, according to a press release issued by the institution.
"ANRCTI proposes the gradual drop of current interconnection fees applied by alternative operators down to the target level, before 2009. Thus, the average interconnection fees of unregulated operators would drop, with the coming into force of the decisions, to 1.15 eurocents/minute, and it would reach 0.97 eurocents/minute, on January 1, 2009, the regional interconnection value with Romtelecom," said the press release.
The measure proposed by the authority is included in a draft decision launched for public consultation, and it could be applied starting with the second quarter of 2008, according to the press release.
In order to prevent potential abuses of dominant position, ANRCTI finds it necessary to impose on operators, in sync with pinpointed issues, transparency and nondiscrimination obligations, separate accounting and access to the network, as well as measures for the control of interconnection fees.
As far as interconnection with the Romtelecom network is concerned, ANRCTI proposes the maintaining o the entire set of obligations impose on this operator through previous regulations, namely transparency, nondiscrimination, separate accounting, the access to and use of specific elements of the network and associated infrastructure, as well as synchronization between fees and costs.
The list of 33 operators is preliminary and it might be modified after the draft decision consultations.
On this note, the authority invites parties concerned to express their views regarding the need for extension on reduction of the list, as well as other aspects highlighted within the analysis, regarding the definition of relevant markets or proposed solutions.