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Romania Sets Off Program To Upgrade Roads, Provide Public Water Utilities Countrywide

The Romanian Government decided to earmark funds for a new program meant to refurbish county roads and provide public water utilities and wastewater cleaning stations in rural areas and administrative-territorial units with high tourist potential.
Romania Sets Off Program To Upgrade Roads, Provide Public Water Utilities Countrywide
01 apr. 2010, 12:50, English

The program, approved during the Government meeting Wednesday, will be coordinated by the country’s Ministry of Tourism and Regional Development.

The ministry said the program targets a wide range of projects and will bring many advantages that it will ease access to healthcare services for people in rural areas and the access to tourist areas, increase school attendance, ensure access to public water utilities, provide constant drinkable water supply and improve people’s health.

The ministry will shortlist the investment objectives liable for funding based on propositions from county and local councils.

Costs will be covered from the ministry’s budget within the limit of funds earmarked to this end, as well as from local budgets, foreign loans and public-private partnerships.