Romania Must Amend Newly Adopted Labor Laws By This Fall
According to the document, obtained by MEDIAFAX, Romanian authorities must also widen the cases for which fixed-term contracts can be signed.
The new measures must be implemented by this fall.
Romania must „widen the set of cases for use of fixed-term labor contracts, while ensuring that this does not increase labor market segmentation. In parallel, improve the adequacy of the employment protection legislation and adapt to the flexicurity principles,” reads the document.
The European Commission defines flexicurity as a strategy to simultaneously enhance flexibility and security on the labor market, by also implementing more flexible hiring and firing procedures.
Romania’s new Labor Code, which took effect on May 1, extended the interval in which overtime can be rewarded with paid time off from 30 to 60 days. Working week cannot exceed 48 hours, including overtime.
Under the law, a fixed-term individual work contract can be extended after termination, with the written consent of both the employer and the employee, for the period during which a project, program or work are carried out.