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Romanian Pres Disagrees With Appointing A Technocratic Government

Romanian Pres Disagrees With Appointing A Technocratic Government

Publicat: 14 10. 2009, 19:17
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:32

The head of state mentioned he held consultations Tuesday with all parties „who took the time” and he felt Wednesday there should be a simultaneous meeting with all parties, to draw the first conclusions.

The head of state went on saying two conclusions can be drawn. The first would be that the parties would choose an independent prime minister or one who is „as independent as possible,” and the second one is that a technocratic government is wanted, with a limited mandate.

„I do not believe in the adequacy of a technocratic government,” Basescu said, adding Romanian democracy is not as it was in the ’90s.

„Romania’s democracy is no longer in the ’90s, when technicians would take responsibility for politicians who sit back and play puppeteer with serious directives. I cannot accept the idea of appointing a government for two months. Romania cannot return to instability,” Traian Basescu said.

He added his proposition would be for parties to assume government