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Romanian Social Democrats Expect Support From Liberals In Dec 6 Presidential Runoff

Romanian Social Democrats Expect Support From Liberals In Dec 6 Presidential Runoff

Publicat: 23 11. 2009, 13:35
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:36

He added he calls on all political leaders and all citizens to see the vote on December 6 as a political change and a return to normality.

Geoana said he sticks by his previously stated position, according to which the majority created around Johannis could result in a new government.

Antonescu said Monday he rules out any alliance with Traian Basescu, adding he will not support Basescu in the elections runoff, since a new term for Basescu would be „the worst thing possible for the values of democracy”.

Antonescu said he would back the social democrats in the runoff not for exchanges and good positions, for the creation of a government based on competence criteria.