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Yes Vote In Referendum Should Trigger Constitution Revision – Romanian President

Romania’s President Traian Basescu said Thursday evening on public television that Romania’s Constitution will need to be entirely revised if the November 22 referendum for a single-chamber Parliament gets a yes vote.
Yes Vote In Referendum Should Trigger Constitution Revision – Romanian President
20 nov. 2009, 10:11, English

Basescu said this will also be an opportunity to improve regulations on relations between state institutions.

„Regarding president’s attributions, the Constitutions is clear, these attributions are clearly specified. There are problems with aspects referring to the relations between state institutions. Besides, President-Government, President-Parliament, President-Justice, Justice-Government relations are unclear. That explains why the Constitutional Court has become a second Government,” Basescu said.

Basescu also said a new referendum is needed to approve the revision of the Constitution triggered by a yes vote in the Referendum downsizing the Parliament.

„Romania does not need a presidential regime, nor a parliamentary regime. Romania needs a semi-presidential regime, clearly outlined, without ambiguities and with mechanisms meant to deal with political crisis and aspects regarding relations between state institutions,” Basescu said.

A referendum for a single-chamber Parliament downsized to a maximum 300 lawmakers is due on November 22, on the same day with presidential elections.