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Romanian Govt To Present New Measures To Boost Economy – PM

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Saturday at the inauguration of the Lugoj eastern bypass road, southwestern Romania, that, in September, the Government will put forward a series of measures to uphold the country’s economy.
Romanian Govt To Present New Measures To Boost Economy - PM
21 aug. 2010, 15:38, English

The prime minister said that reinvested profit will not be taxed and the state will grant extra financial support to young entrepreneurs. Boc highlighted that the Government will ease the conditions that must be met by firms that hire unemployed people and make investments, in order to get financial support.

The prime minister said the Government is currently drawing up a series of draft normative acts in this respect, adding the norms will be debated together with lawmakers.

Regarding minimum wages, Boc said authorities still hold negotiations with unionists and employers and a decision will soon be made.

Unionists said Friday, after talks with the prime minister, that the public sector wage law will be revised in its entirety and will no longer be based on 2009’s salaries, but on those of 2010, reduced through the austerity measures, and a new law will be issued every year to set the new wage level.

Union leader Bogdan Hossu said the new wage law will restore the 1-to-15 ratio between the minimum and maximum public sector salary. As regards minimum wage, point one on the wage grid, the prime minister suggested setting it at 640 lei (EUR1=RON4.2304), while the unionists said it should be at least RON700, said Hossu.