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Romanian Ex Agric Min Muresan Could Not See Prosecution File In Bribe Case

Romania’s former agriculture minister Ioan Avram Muresan, prosecuted in the bribery case involving former agriculture minister Decebal Traian Remes, did not see the file containing the charges brought against him.
Romanian Ex Agric Min Muresan Could Not See Prosecution File In Bribe Case
20 mart. 2008, 11:40, English
The Supreme Court did not send the file to anticorruption prosecutors. The Supreme Court on Wednesday debated Muresan’s appeal to the ordinance extending his interdiction to leave the country.
Muresan spent more than one hour at the Anticorruption Department and said upon exit he did not see one page of the prosecution file. He added his appeal to the ban to leave the country was rejected on grounds that it was submitted too late.
He also said he signed a document which states the prosecutor would have the prosecution file by Friday.
Before meeting with prosecutors, Muresan told reporters he has not met with Remes since the media released the videos in which Remes received from Muresan an envelope which allegedly contained bribe.
Muresan is prosecuted alongside Remes and businessman Gheorghe Ciorba for allegedly mediating a bribe the businessman paid to get Remes to favor his companies in public procurement auctions.
Earlier this week, prosecutors also presented the charges to Remes, who is pending trial.