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Romanian Pres Asks Parliament Parties To Back Majority Uninominal Voting System

Romanian Pres Asks Parliament Parties To Back Majority Uninominal Voting System

Publicat: 29 01. 2008, 16:33
Actualizat: 05 11. 2012, 16:21
According to them, Basescu salutes the parties’ initiative to make the uninominal vote a priority in the upcoming Parliament session. He mentions that the results of the 2007 referendum on the introduction of the uninominal voting system, which, in his opinion, forces parties to act on the will of the citizens.
At the end of the letter, Basescu expresses hope that the parties will not ignore the will of the citizens and they will support the system subject by him to the approval of the people, in the referendum.
Basescu sent this letter to the leaders of Parliament parties when the Standing Offices of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies decided that the law on the uninominal voting system proposed by the Government would be discussed in the legal committees. This is the law challenged by the head of state in the Constitutional Court, which dubbed unconstitutional some of the law’s articles.