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Second Bucharest City Hall Corruption Suspect Brought In

Second Bucharest City Hall Corruption Suspect Brought In

Publicat: 17 11. 2008, 14:25
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:08

Dicu is an inspector within the Construction Discipline and Regulations Inspection Service – the General Inspection and Control Division, an institution under the authority of Bucharest City Hall.

The National Anticorruption Department issued a press release stating Dicu was detained for 24 hours on November 14, 2008. On November 15, 2008, the Bucharest Court sustained Dicu’s preventive arrest for 29 days, under charges of soliciting bribery.
Dicu and Doru Gadea allegedly received 1,000 lei (EUR1 = RON3.7522) from someone, to look the other way regarding a construction built without proper paperwork.
Prosecutors informed Gadea on the charges brought against him and decided to detain him for 24 hours.
The Bucharest Court decided Thursday to preventively arrest Gadea for 25 days.
The National Anticorruption Department said Thursday Dicu "is fleeing from criminal investigation and procedures for an all-points bulleting have been initiated."