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Romanian President Sends Constitution Revision Draft To Parliament

Romanian President Traian Basescu has sent the draft revised Constitution to the Parliament for debates, he said Thursday morning before embarking on a plane to Brussels, to attend a European Council meeting.
Romanian President Sends Constitution Revision Draft To Parliament
Oana Gavrila
23 iun. 2011, 11:08, English

Basescu said Wednesday on public radio he prefers to let the Parliament discuss and make changes to the draft revised Constitution rather than revise the draft himself and send it back to the Constitutional Court before forwarding it to the Parliament.

Romania’s Constitutional Court has ruled unconstitutional certain provisions of the draft revised Constitution put forward by the head of state. The Court held that a number of provisions were unconstitutional, including those concerning wealth presumed obtained legitimately, parliamentary and ministerial immunity and the membership of the High Council of Magistrates.