
Romanian Police Investigate Teen Death Following Late-Term Abortion

Police in Romania southeastern Constanta county are investigating the death of a 15-year-old who died at the local county hospital hours after she had had a late-term abortion.

Romania Registered Over 2,000 Babies With Mothers Aged 11-15 In 2007

Girls aged 11 to 15 had over 2,000 babies in Romania last year, according to statistics of the Health Ministry.

Romanian Child Molester Brought To Justice

Adrian Fasola, the uncle of the 11 year old girl who recently had an abortion in London, was caught Monday, as police had issued an all points bulletin in his name, under charges of statutory rape.

British Doctors Successfully Terminated Romanian 11 Y-O Pregnancy

British doctors within the Royal London Hospital successfully terminated Friday afternoon the 22-week pregnancy of the Romanian 11 year-old girl, medical sources said.

Romanian Health Min Says New Abortion Law Might Be Necessary

Romanian health minister Eugen Nicolaescu said there should be a public debate regarding abortion, adding that "maybe there should be" legal amendments performed in this respect.