
Talibanii au organizat o paradă. Foştii insurgenţi au defilat cu armele şi aparatura lăsată în urmă de SUA şi NATO

Mişcarea talibană a organizat, duminică, o paradă militară la Kabul, folosind vehicule blindate de fabricaţie americană şi elicoptere ruseşti capturate. Acest eveniment a avut loc sub forma unei demonstraţii prin care ei au arătat cum dintr-o forţă insurgentă au ajuns o armată în toată regula, relatează CNN. Talibanii au utilizat stocul mare de arme şi […]

FOTO Atac cu bombă în Afghanistan. Trei persoane, printre care şi un fost prezentator de televiziune, au fost ucise

Trei personane şi-au pierdut viaţa în Afghanistan, după ce o bombă a fost ataşată de maşina în care aceştia se aflau. Este vorba despre un fost prezentator de televiziune, care se angajase recent la Banca Centrală din Afghanistan. Acesta se afla în vehicul, împreună cu doi colegi, în momentul în care bomba a fost detonată. […]

Doi militari români din cadrul Batalionului 191 Protecţia Forţei „Golden Lions” au fost răniţi în Afghanistan

Doi militari din cadrul Batalionului 191 Protecţia Forţei „Golden Lions” au fost răniţi miercuri, 21 octombrie, în Afganistan, în jurul orei 19:32, ora României, în timpul unei misiuni de patrulare în zona de responsabilitate, în urma unui atac cu dispozitiv exploziv improvizat, anunţă MApN.

President Decorates Romanian Diplomat Killed in Afghanistan

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis announced on Wednesday that he decided to decorate a Romanian diplomat killed in a terrorist attack at the country’s embassy to Kabul with the Star of Romania order in rank of knight, with a war insignia.

MONITORUL APĂRĂRII | Incidentele “green on blue” sau cum Forţele pentru operaţii speciale ale coaliţiei sunt atacate de afganii pe care îi instruiesc

Menţionam într-un articol din luna septembrie 2018, imediat după ce la comanda misiunii NATO din Afganistan, Resolute Support, se instalase generalul (SUA) Austin Miller, fost comandant al Comandamentului Întrunit de Operaţii Speciale al SUA, al Componentei Comandamentului NATO de Operaţii Speciale din Afganistan (NATO Special Operations Component Command-Afghanistan - NSOCC-A) şi al Comandamentul American al Forţelor pentru Operaţii Speciale Întrunite din Afganistan, că, deşi există progrese în dezvoltarea sustenabilă a capacităţilor de securitate şi apărare proprii, situaţia actuală de securitate din Afganistan este caracterizată, încă, de incertitudine.

VIDEO Regina Marii Britanii, întâlnire hilară cu un copil

Nu în fiecare zi o cunoşti pe Regina Marii Britanii, dar pentru acest băiat nu a fost de loc un moment special.

VIDEO Prima orchestră 100% feminină din Afganistan cântă în faţa participanţilor la Forumul de la Davos

35 de tinere care alcătuiesc orchestra "Zohra", cu vârste cuprinse între 13 şi 20 de ani, dintre care unele provin din medii extrem de sărace din această ţară aflată în război de aproape 40 de ani, vor concerta joi şi vineri în închiderea Forumului de la Davos (Elveţia).

„PĂPĂDIA” URIAŞĂ: Invenţia care ar putea salva lumea de minele terestre – FOTO, VIDEO

Un dispozitiv care poate fi asemănat cu o păpădie uriaşă are potenţialul de a salva sute de vieţi, fiind construit astfel încât să se declanşeze în timp ce se rostogoleşte pe pământ ca să detoneze minele din drum.

Această fotografie a făcut înconjurul lumii. POVESTEA EMOŢIONANTĂ a femeii din imagine, la patru ani de la drama pe care a trăit-o – FOTO

Aesha Mohammadzai a fost desfigurată pe când avea 18 ani de soţul ei taliban după ce a încercat să scape de căsătorie. I-au fost tăiate nasul şi urechile, iar acum, la patru ani de când a fugit în Statele Unite ale Americii, femeia încearcă să lase în urmă momentele dureroase pe care le-a trăit.

Romanian Soldier Injured In Insurgent Attack In Afghanistan

Romanian sergeant Marian Nicula of the 495 Battalion serving in Afghanistan was injured Tuesday evening in an insurgent attack on NATO coalition forces and will be taken to a hospital in Germany, the Romanian Ministry of Defense said late Wednesday.

Romanian Soldier Killed During Mission In Afghanistan

A Romanian soldier was killed Tuesday morning during a mission in Zabul province, in Afghanistan, the Romanian Defense ministry said in a statement.

Four Romanian Troops Injured In Afghanistan

Four Romanian troops from the 26th infantry Battalion Neagoe Basarab have been injured in Afghanistan Sunday morning, as their patrol vehicle ran over an improvised explosive device, Romania’s Defense Ministry said in a statement.

Romania To Meet Its Commitments In Afghanistan, Focus On Post-War Reconstruction – President

Romania will continue to meet its commitments in Afghanistan and will focus on post-conflict reconstruction and on training Afghan security forces, President Traian Basescu said Thursday during a meeting with ambassadors of EU countries.

President Traian Basescu Goes To Afghanistan To Meet With Romanian Troops

Romanian President Traian Basescu, Defense Minister Gabriel Oprea and U.S. Ambassador to Romania Mark Gitenstein arrived in Afghanistan Tuesday to meet with the Romanian troops deployed in the area.

Romania To Send 66 Gendarmes To Afghanistan

Romania will send 66 gendarmes to Afghanistan soon to help the country’s institutional reconstruction, President Traian Basescu said Thursday at the NATO headquarters in Brussels.

Two Romanian Soldiers Killed In Afghanistan, One Injured

Two Romanian soldiers have been killed and one has been injured in the explosion of an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan Friday morning.

U.S.A. To Provide 60 Armored Vehicles To Romanian Troops Stationed In Afghanistan

The United States will provide 60 mine resistant ambush protected (MRAP) armored vehicles to Romanian troops stationed in Afghanistan, the U.S. Embassy to Bucharest said in a press release Wednesday.

Romanian Soldiers Killed In Afghanistan Awarded Wartime National Order Star Of Romania

Romania’s President Traian Basescu Thursday signed the decree awarding the wartime National Order Star of Romania with the rank of Knight to the two Romanian soldiers killed in Afghanistan Wednesday.

Two Romanian Soldiers Killed In Afghanistan

Two Romanian troops were killed Wednesday in Afghanistan, after their Humvee was hit by a makeshift remotely detonated explosive device, Defense Ministry officials said.

Romanian Soldier Killed In Afghanistan

A Romanian soldier was killed in Afghanistan Wednesday, Defense Ministry officials said, adding further details would be released later in the day.

Romania’s Defense Min Gets Extra Money To Increase Presence In Afghanistan

Romania’s Government assigned an extra 61.5 million lei (EUR1=RON4.1275) to the Defense Ministry to ensure the sums needed in the second quarter of the year to increase the country’s number of troops to be stationed in Afghanistan in 2010 and purchase new military equipment.

Romanian Private Suffers Concussion In IED Attack In Afghanistan

A Romanian private suffered a head concussion in an improvised explosive device (IED) attack Saturday morning that targeted a mixed patrol of Romanian and Afghan troops on the A1 highway linking Kandahar to the capital Kabul.

Romania Isn’t Deploying More Troops In Afghanistan To Make Nice With U.S. – President

Romania will send more troops to Afghanistan to help protect its already deployed troops and not to “make nice” with Washington, Romanian President Traian Basescu said Monday evening on B1TV.

Romanian Troop Injured In Afghanistan Insurgent Attack

A Romanian troop was injured Wednesday morning in an insurgent attack in Afghanistan, the Defense Ministry said, adding he has undergone surgery and is currently stable.

Romanian Troops’ Mission In Afghanistan Is To Protect World From Terrorism – President

Romania’s President Traian Basescu Thursday told the Romanian troops of the Curtea de Arges 33 Battalion stationed in Afghanistan that their mission is to protect the civilized world from terrorism.

Romania’s President Goes To Afghanistan To Meet With Romanian Troops

Romania’s President Traian Basescu, Defense Minister Gabriel Oprea and General Staff chief Gheorghe Marin arrived in Afghanistan Thursday morning to meet with the Romanian troops deployed in the area.

One Dead, One Injured Among Romanian Troops In Afghanistan – Defense Min

One Romanian soldier was killed and another was injured Tuesday in Afghanistan, Romania’s Defense Ministry said in a statement.

Five Romanian Troops Injured In Improvised Bomb Explosion In Afghanistan

Five Romanian troops were injured in the explosion of an improvised explosive device over which they had driven their armored vehicle in southern Afghanistan, AFP reported Tuesday citing NATO and the local governor.

Romanian Troop Injured In Patrol Mission In Afghanistan

Romanian sergeant Eugen Manaila was injured in the right leg Friday morning in Afghanistan during a patrol mission, the Romanian Defense Ministry said, adding he underwent emergency surgery and is now stable.

Un militar român aflat în Afganistan a fost rănit, starea lui este stabilă

Plutonierul Eugen Mănăilă din Batalionul 33 Manevră a fost rănit la piciorul drept, vineri dimineaţă, în Afganistan, informează MApN, care precizează că militarul român a fost operat de urgenţă, starea lui fiind stabilă.

U.S. Secretary Of State Thanks Romania For Committing Extra Troops To Afghanistan

U.S secretary of state Hillary Clinton Thursday thanked the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and Romania for deciding to commit additional troops to Afghanistan, U.S. State Department said in a press release.

Romania To Deploy Additional 600 Troops To Afghanistan

Romania's High Council for National Defense (CSAT) approved Thursday the deployment of additional 600 troops to Afghanistan, and the maximum number of troops deployed to the area could reach 1,798.

Romanians Injured In Afghanistan In Stable Condition – Defense Ministry

The two Romanian soldiers injured Friday night in Afghanistan were taken to the Regional Medical Center in Ramstein, Germany, said the Romanian Defense Ministry, adding their condition is stable.

Two Romanian Soldiers Injured In Afghanistan

Two Romanian soldiers were injured Friday night during an insurgent attack on their military base, 60 kilometers northeast of Qualat, Afghanistan, official sources said Saturday.

Two Romanian Troops Injured In Afghanistan During Insurgent Attack

Two Romanian troops were injured Saturday night during an insurgent attack on the Romanian military base in Qalat, Afghanistan, the Romanian Ministry of Defense said Sunday, adding the state of the two is good, according to preliminary medical data.

Romania’s Presence In Operation Theaters To Lower To 1,667 Troops After Iraq Pullout

The number of Romanian troops in operation theaters abroad will be of 1,667 in 2010 following the pullout of troops from Iraq, Romanian President Traian Basescu said Tuesday after a meeting of the county’s Supreme Defense Council.

Romanian President Traian Basescu Visits Romanian Troops In Afghanistan

Romanian President Traian Basescu visited on Saturday the military base in Qalat, Afghanistan, where he decorated the war flag of the 21st Battalion “Vanatori de Munte.”

Singurul porc din Afghanistan, în carantină, din cauza gripei porcine

Reprezentanţii grădinii zoologice din Kabul l-au izolat pe singurul porc cunoscut în Afghanistan, de frica gripei cu virus nou, iar acesta nu se va mai putea plimba prin iarbă alături de prietena sa, o capră.

Romania To Send Additional 140-150 Troops To Afghanistan In Upcoming Months

Romania will increase its presence in Afghanistan by 140-150 troops in upcoming months, which will serve in medical, training and intelligence actions, Romanian President Traian Basescu said Friday.

One Of Four Romanians Injured In Afghanistan Released Form Hospital

Romanian corporal Eugen Vargau, injured Tuesday in Afghanistan in an incident that claimed the life of on officer and left four injured, was released from hospital Wednesday and is in good condition, the Romanian Defense Ministry said in a statement.