
Romanian Tour Agency 2010 Sales Down 15% On Year – Assoc

The sales of Romanian tour agencies dropped by an average 15% in 2010, compared to 2009, and dozens were forced to close because of the economic crisis, said Corina Martin, head of the National Association of Tour Agencies (ANAT).

Romanian Social Democrat Senators Won’t Vote On ANI Bill – Party Head

Romanian social democrat senators will attend debates on the National Integrity Agency (ANI) bill, due to take place in the Senate on Tuesday, but will not vote on the bill, social democrat head Victor Ponta said Monday, after a meeting of the party’s National Standing Office.

Romanian Govt Agencies Not Required By EU Or Created Through Laws To Be Downgraded

Romanian government agencies which were not created on the basis of European Union directives or through organic laws will be converted into ministry departments, while public bodies under the authority of ministries will be directed by a single structure.

Romanian Opposition Leader Deems Integrity Probe Political Vendetta

Romanian social democrat leader Mircea Geoana said the actions initiated by the National Integrity Agency (ANI) against him are aimed at his defamation in the public eye, and they are "an attempt to intervene and influence the results of elections held within the Social Democratic Party."

Romanian Govt Does Away With Foreign Investments Agency

Romania’s Agency for Foreign Investments or ARIS was removed and its activity will be taken over by a special directorate within the Ministry for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises, Commerce and Business Environment, government sources told MEDIAFAX Saturday.

Romanian National Integrity Agency To Check Wealth Of Youth Min – Sources

The Romanian National Integrity Agency (ANI) took notice and initiated investigations regarding the wealth of new youth and sports minister Sorina Placinta, agency sources told MEDIAFAX Thursday.

Romanian Agric Min Finds Flaws In Agric Payment Agency Procedures

The computer system of the Romanian Agency for Payments in Agriculture, used for the processing of payment requests, is flawed, file completion deadlines are pushed back and employee attributions overlap, according to an analysis of the Ministry of Agriculture.

ANI Law Unconstitutionality Question Is Normal Step – Magistrate Council

The president of the Romanian High Council of the Magistrates, Lidia Barbulescu, said the Council’s notification regarding the unconstitutionality of texts within the National Integrity Agency law came after the complaint filed by a magistrate.

General Manager of Romania’s SAPARD Payment Agency Resigns

Laszlo Klarik, general manager of Romania’s Agency for Rural Development and Fishing (APDRP), which manages SAPARD payments, submitted his resignation Friday.

Romanian National Integrity Agency Is Now Operational

The Romanian Government enacted, Thursday, a series of measures to render the National Integrity Agency (ANI) operational.