
Spontaneous protest at Bucharest subway. The traffic is stopped

The traffic of subway trains is affected on Friday by a spontaneous protest of some representatives of the USLM union in Unirii Square station, which blocked the traffic of passenger trains, announces Metrorex.

Seven people injured after two trams collided in Bucharest

According to the Capital's Police, the accident took place at the intersection of Olteniţa and Giurgiu roads. Two trams on lines 7 and 11 were involved in the accident.

Bucharest City Hall has bought a device that increases the speed of COVID tests

Bucharest's City Hall has purchased a device that increases the speed of tests for the COVID-19, but also two PCR devices that detect the virus.

The Environment Guard head in Bucharest has been sacked

Viorel Glăman has been dismissed from the position Bucharest's Environmental Guard chief. Environment acting minister, Costel Alexe, has made a request to this effect to the National Environmental Guard, following the scandal caused by excessive pollution in the Capital.

Costel Alexe: Maximum pollution levels exceeded at all Environment Ministry’s stations

Costel Alexe, the Environment minister, has said during a press conference on Monday that all the Environment Ministry's stations registered on Sunday night exceeding the maximum levels of pollution allowed.

Ludovic Orban announces PNL will support Nicuşor Dan for the Capital’s mayor race

Ludovic Orban has announced on Thursday that PNL will support the candidacy of Nicuşor Dan for the General City Hall of Bucharest. The Liberal leader has said that polls show that other possible party candidates would not be guaranteed to be able to win the battle with PSD.

A man threatened to blow up a gas station in District 3 of Bucharest

A man had announced on Monday, by calling 112, that he is blowing up a gas station in District 3 of the Capital. The individual was caught by police.

Bucharest Public Transportation To Be Regulated Entirely By City General Council

Romania’s Lower Chamber voted on Wednesday, as a deciding body, to approve a government decree which shuts down the Bucharest Metropolitan Transportations Authority from within the Transportations Ministry, and moves all of its attribution to the Bucharest Town Hall.

Şase românce vor juca astăzi la turneul BRD Bucharest Open. Programul meciurilor

Jucătoarele Ana Bogdan, Sorana Cîrstea, Irina Begu, Elena-Gabriela Ruse şi Alexandra Dulgheru vor juca, marţi, în primul tur al probei de simplu a turneului WTA de la Bucureşti, în timp ce Irina Maria Bara va evolua în proba de dublu.

Over 6,500 People Expected To Compete In Bucharest International Marathon

Over 6,500 people are expected to compete in the fourth annual edition of the Bucharest International Marathon on October 9, which would be a 30% increase from the previous edition, competition organizers said Wednesday.

Bucharest Apartment Rents Fall By Up To 20% YY In Jan – Survey

Rents for apartments in Romania’s capital city Bucharest dropped by 10% to 20% in January compared with the same period of 2010, with the highest fall in case of 4-room flats, according to a survey of AnunturiParticulari.ro real estate website.

Bucharest City Hall Waives 3% Hotel Tax For 2011

The Bucharest City Hall has waived the 3% tax on hotel revenue from accommodation for this year, giving up more than EUR2 million in income, but allowing hotel operators to lower their fees by 3%.

Bucharest Authorities Ban „Legal High” Shops Located Near Schools, Hospitals

Shops selling products made from hallucinogenic plants and located within 1.5 km of a school, dorm, hospital, church or train station have been banned in Bucharest, as per a decision by the city's council.

Bucharest Mayor Wants Romania To Host 2020 Olympic Games

The general mayor of Romania’s capital Bucharest, Sorin Oprescu, said Monday hosting the 2020 Olympic Games in Bucharest would attract many investors and the move is backed by citizens.

Bucharest Historic Center Rents Rise, Defying Trend – CBRE Romania

Bucharest’s historic center is the only area in the city where retail rents have grown since 2008, following ongoing rehabilitation and upgrade works, according to real estate consultancy firm CB Richard Ellis Romania, or CBRE.

Bucharest Ranks 69th Out Of 73 Cities Worldwide By Price Level –Survey

Romania’s capital city Bucharest ranks 69th among 73 cities worldwide according to the price levels, says a survey conducted by financial services firm UBS.

Romanian Public Notaries In Bucharest, Five Other Counties Lower Realty Deal Fees By 10%

The Chamber of Notaries Public in Bucharest will reduce by 10% the fees charged for real estate transaction signed in Bucharest and in five other counties, namely Calarasi, Giurgiu, Ialomita, Ilfov and Teleorman, starting September 1, the institution said in a press release Tuesday.

Romanian Technical Service Head Detained For 24 Hours In Giulesti Maternity Hospital Case

Romanian prosecutors Friday detained for 24 hours the head of the technical department of the Giulesti maternity hospital in capital Bucharest, Vasile Dima, in a criminal file investigating the accident that took place in the hospital’s intensive care unit last week.

All Hospitals Administered By Bucharest City Hall To Have Smoke Detectors

The 21 hospitals administered by the Bucharest City Hall will be equipped with smoke detectors, Bucharest deputy mayor Victor Iovici told MEDIAFAX Wednesday, adding the measure will be implemented with urgency.

Ten Israeli Doctors Come To Romania To Help Injured Newborns

Ten Israeli doctors arrived in Bucharest to help the seven Romanian newborn babies severely injured in an explosion which took place Monday at the Giulesti maternity hospital, Bucharest Hospital Administration general manager Marius Savu said Wednesday.

Romanian Tourism Min Says Isn’t Considering Running For Bucharest Mayor

Romania’s Tourism Minister and interim president of the Democratic Liberal Party’s branch in capital Bucharest, Elena Udrea, told a news conference Thursday that she si not yet considering running for general mayor of Bucharest.

Romanian Transporters To Stage Protests In Bucharest In Sept

Romanian transporter federation FORT will stage protests in capital Bucharest at the beginning of September, over “deplorable” road infrastructure and not having been paid overdue state debts, the federation said in a press release Thursday.

Guns N’ Roses To Perform In Bucharest On September 21

American hard rock band Guns N' Roses will hold a concert in Bucharest, Romania, on September 21 within the Chinese Democracy World Tour promoting their 2008 album 'Chinese Democracy', said organizers D&D Entertainment.

Bucharest City Hall To Eliminate 268 Vacant Positions – Mayor

Bucharest mayor Sorin Oprescu said Wednesday the city hall will reduce the number of positions within the institution by 19%, bringing their total number to 1,354.

Romanian Subway Unionists To Shorten Tuesday’s Strike By Four Hours

Bucharest subway unionists’ strike, due to take place Tuesday between 4 a.m. and 4 p.m., was shortened so that subway will not operate between 4 a.m. and noon, the subway union said in a press release Monday.

About 85% Of Bucharest’s Public Transport Vehicles To Function On Strike Day, June 1

Bucharest public transport unionists said Friday, after talks with mayor Sorin Oprescu, that 85% of the capital city’s public transport vehicles will function on June 1, when subway and public transport unionists decided to go on solidarity strike to protest planned wage cuts.

Romanian Firefighter Dies While Fighting Fire At Commercial Center

A Romanian firefighter died Wednesday morning crushed under an iron framework during operations to put out a fire that burst at a commercial center at the outskirts of capital Bucharest.

Bucharest Public Transport Unionists To Announce Decision Regarding Strike Thursday – Union Leader

Bucharest public transport authority RATB unionists will take a decision regarding the strike Thursday, after the Government establishes the austerity plan, union leader Vasile Petrariu said Monday.

Bob Marley’s Backing Band The Wailers To Perform In Romania On September 10

Jamaica’s The Wailers, Bob Marley’s former backing band, will perform in Romanian capital Bucharest on September 10, organizers said Tuesday.

Romanian Animal Rights Activists Say Euthanizing Bucharest’s Stray Dogs Is Expensive, Inhumane

Romanian animal rights organization Vier Pfoten said Wednesday it would be cheaper and more effective in the long run to spay and neuter stray dogs in Romania’s capital Bucharest rather than euthanize them, as a draft law sent to Parliament by the capital’s prefect would have it.

Romanian Police Officer Arrested For Drug Trafficking

Romanian organized crime prosecutors Tuesday arrested a police officer in capital Bucharest for illegal drug trade, after he had also been convicted for theft, said Bucharest Police spokesman Christian Ciocan.

About 100,000 Voters In Bucharest To Elect New Lawmaker Sunday

About 100,000 voters in the 19th constituency in Romania’s capital Bucharest are expected to vote Sunday in a by-election for a lawmaker seat in the Chamber of Deputies.

Fitch Revises Bucharest’s Outlook To Stable; Affirms at ‘BB+’

Fitch Ratings on Tuesday revised Bucharest's outlook to stable from negative, while affirming the city's long-term foreign and local currency ratings at 'BB+' and 'BBB-' respectively, to reflect a similar action on the country's outlook.

Bucharest City Hall Has Not Authorized Romanian Taxi Drivers’ Protest

The City Hall of Romania’s capital Bucharest has not authorized the rally planned by two transporter and taxi driver associations for April 22-26, on the grounds that it would severely affect road traffic and the activity of public institutions.

American Jazz Guitarist Al Di Meola To Perform In Bucharest On May 25

American jazz fusion and Latin jazz guitarist Al Di Meola, one of the most influential guitarists in the jazz fusion category, will perform in capital city Bucharest on May 25 along with his band New World Sinfonia, event promoters said.

Bob Dylan To Hold Concert In Bucharest On June 2

American singer and songwriter Bob Dylan will hold a concert in Bucharest on June 2, according to the musician’s official site.

Statistics Show Btw 17,000 And 24,000 Injected Drug Users In Bucharest In ‘09

Romania's capital Bucharest had between 17,000 and 24,000 injected drug users in 2009, the leader of the presidential committee analyzing social and demographic risks, Marian Preda, said Friday.

Aerosmith To Play Bucharest On June 18

American rock band Aerosmith will play Bucharest on June 18, within the new Aerosmith European tour which starts on June 10 in Sweden, according to the band’s official website, www.aeroforceone.com.

Bucharest Mayoralty To Spend EUR3.5M On Infrastructure Services For Old City Center

The Bucharest mayoralty will pay nearly EUR3.5 million, VAT not included, for services of contract management consultancy and supervision of design and construction works needed to restore the base infrastructure in Bucharest’s historical center.

Bucharest Hotels See 20-Year Low In January ’10 Load Factor

January 2010 was the weakest month in the past 20 years for hotels in Bucharest, which were forced to close some 30% of their rooms, due to an average load factor below 30%, Hotel Industry Federation secretary general Mihai Rijnita told MEDIAFAX Thursday.