
Credite C.A.R. cu acte false în Bucureşti şi în alte câteva judeţe. Prejudiciul depăşeşte un milion de euro

Mai multe persoane din oraşul Bucureşti şi din judeţele Călăraşi, Dâmboviţa şi Ilfov sunt bănuite că au făcut credite la CAR cu documente false, provocând un prejudiciu de peste un milion de euro.

Înşelătorie de milioane operată de două femei din Argeş. Cum acţiona gruparea

Două femei de 43, respectiv 29 de ani, din Mioveni, judeţul Argeş, împreună cu 4 persoane complice, au întocmit şi folosit 249 de adeverinţe de salariat false pe numele unor persoane şi au obţinut în acest fel 85 de împrumuturi de la o Casă de Ajutor Reciproc (CAR). Prejudiciul, peste 1,7 mil. lei.

Compania americană Hertz, în insolvenţă. Co-fondatorul unei companii româneşti de închirieri auto spune cum s-a ferit de aceeaşi soartă

„Comportamentul acesta în care în permanenţă încerci să dai bonusuri, să îţi cumperi propriile acţiuni, să îţi umfli practic, uneori artificial, valoarea companiilor listate prin tot felul de mecanisme financiare, dar, de fapt, tu le fragilizezi, eu nu am o opinie prea bună despre asta”, spune Dan Ştefan, co-fondator autonom rent car. Cu siguranţă ai […]

Peste 500 de pensionari din Galaţi, lăsaţi fără bani de un CAR. Poliţiştii au deschis dosar penal

Poliţiştii gălăţeni au deschis un dosar penal în cazul Casei de Ajutor Reciproc din Târgu Bujor, după ce o femeie a reclamat că nu a primit ajutorul de înmormântare cuvenit, conform contractului semnat cu asociaţia. Oamenii legii au aflat că în aceeaşi situaţie sunt şi alţi pensionari.

Patriarhia, despre Casele de Ajutor Reciproc bisericesc: Sunt instituţii non-bancare şi non-profit. Nu sunt bănci înfiinţate de Biserică cu scopul câştigului financiar

Casele de Ajutor Reciproc bisericesc sunt instituţii non-bancare şi non-profit, înfiinţate cu scopul întrajutorării reciproce a membrilor clerici şi mireni, angajaţi ai unităţilor de cult, aşa cum există pentru salariaţii din multe alte instituţii, informează Patriarhia Română.

PERCHEZIŢII în Bucureşti şi Ilfov, la un CAR privat şi la persoane suspectate de înşelăciune

Poliţiştii fac, vineri dimineaţă, 13 percheziţii în Bucureşti şi Ilfov, la sediul unei Case de Ajutor Reciproc private din Sectorul 1 şi la locuinţele unor angajaţi ai asociaţiei care ar fi înşelat mai mulţi clienţi cu aproximativ patru milioane de lei, potrivit unor surse din Poliţie.

Casele de ajutor reciproc ale pensionarilor ar putea emite titluri executorii – proiect

Casele de ajutor reciproc ale pensionarilor ar putea emite titluri executorii pentru recuperarea împrumuturilor acordate unor pensionari rău-platnici, iar casele teritoriale de pensii ar putea înfiinţa popriri asupra veniturilor din pensii, potrivit unui proiect pus în dezbatere de MMFPSPV.

Cluburile din Mamaia, obligate să aibă care alegorice în sezonul estival. Mazăre: „Mă îmbrac în toate hainele, mă scălâmbăi pe la toate televizoarele de plăcere?”

Proprietarii de cluburi din staţiunea Mamaia vor trebui să aibă care alegorice cu care să participe, în sezonul estival, la caravanele organizate de Primăria Constanţa, potrivit unei hotărâri de Consiliu Local, în caz contrar urmând să fie amendaţi sau să le fie anulată autorizaţia de funcţionare.

Peste 150 de pensionari vasluieni au făcut împrumuturi la CARP pentru masa de Paşti

Peste 150 de pensionari vasluieni au făcut împrumuturi, în ultima săptămână, la Casa de Ajutor Reciproc a Pensionarilor pentru a avea cu ce-şi cumpăra produsele tradiţionale pentru masa de Paşti, numărul cererilor fiind cu o treime mai mare faţă de aceeaşi perioadă a anului trecut.

Fuel Consumption Most Important Factor For Romanians Buying Cars – Survey

Fuel consumption is the most important factor affecting choice for two thirds of Romanians buying a car, followed by brand, price, engine performance and comfort, says a survey by market research company GfK Romania, conducted in 2010.

Romanian Mandatory Car Insurance Revenues Top Voluntary Policies In 2010

Revenues on the Romanian mandatory civil liability car insurance RCA segment exceeded voluntary car insurance CASCO underwritten premiums in 2010, for the first time in the past ten years.

Patriarhia: Sfântul Sinod va actualiza Statutul Caselor de Ajutor Reciproc de la eparhii

Sfântul Sinod va lua în discuţie, în şedinţa din 18 martie, problema actualizării Statutului de organizare şi funcţionare al Caselor de Ajutor Reciproc de la eparhii, întrucât acestea funcţionează în prezent după un document aprobat în urmă cu câteva decenii, a anunţat, luni, Patriarhia Română.

Romania Scrapped Over 161,116 Cars Under 2010 Clunkers Program

Over 160,000 cars older than ten years were scrapped by August 20, 2010 within Romania's clunkers program, and the number of new cars bought within the program exceeded 35,000 units, of which 50% were produced on the local market, Romanian Environment Ministry said Wednesday.

Car Prices Fell 10% In Romania In 2009 – EC Report

Car prices fell by more than 10% in Romania last year, one of the most significant reductions in the European Union, behind Slovenia, Lithuania and Slovakia, where prices dropped by as much as 13.4%, according to a European Commission report.

Romanian Carmaker Dacia Sees Biggest Car Registration Increase On French Mkt In May

Registrations of Romanian new Dacia cars in France increased over three times in May, to 10,258 units, compared to the same month last year, and saw the biggest increase on the local market, which fell 11.5%, to about 186.340 cars.

Witness Says Romania’s Fmr Envoy To Singapore Had Been Drinking Before Car Accident

Romania's former envoy to Singapore Silviu Ionescu had been drinking alcohol on the night the embassy car he was allegedly driving hit three people, killing one, according to the first witness in the case, quoted by The Straits Times online.

Bancherul capitalist te obligă să iei bani de la CAR

Refuzaţi de bănci, românii s-au întors către casele de ajutor reciproc (CAR) în ultimul an, pe fondul crizei economice. Astfel, în timp ce soldul creditelor în lei acordate de bănci populaţiei a scăzut cu 5,3% în perioada octombrie 2008-octombrie 2009, conform datelor băncii centrale, CAR-urile se laudă cu creşteri medii de 30%, informează "Gândul".

Romanian Clunkers Program Expansion To Cos Could Boost Mkt By 15-20%

The widening of the Romanian car park renewal program to include companies could lead to a 15%-20% growth in the new car market in 2010, while sales this year will not go beyond 130,000 units, ACAROM president Constantin Stroe told MEDIAFAX.

Romania’s Registration Tax On Euro 4 Cars To Turn Buyers To Second-Hand Car Market

Romanian car buyers will turn to the second-hand car market after the registration tax will also apply to Euro 4 new cars with engine capacities of less than 2,000 cubic centimeters, chief of dealership AutoItalia Cristi Milea said Wednesday.

Romanian Car Tax To Apply To Euro 4 Cars Come Dec 15, ‘09

The normative act through which the registration tax for Euro 4 cars was suspended will not be renewable, thus, after the expiration of the norm, owners of cars with the Euro 4 pollution norm will pay the registration tax.

Romanian Car Maker Association Wants Car Park Renewal Program To Continue Despite Low Sales

Romanian car maker association APIA wants the car park renewal program to continue even if people will not be able to scrap three used cars for a new one and the sales registered by dealers are down.

Prosecutors Indict People Who Allegedly Stole Steaua Owner’s Car

Bucharest prosecutors indicted Wednesday three men who allegedly stole in January the car of Steaua Bucharest owner Gigi Becali, and for whose kidnapping Becali spent nearly three weeks in jail in April this year.

Romanina Govt Mulls Continuing The Car Renewal Program In ’10

Romanian Government plans to continue the car park renewal program in 2010, after it has already increased the number of scrapped cars and the scraping bonus in 2009, Government officials said after the meeting between Prime Minister Emil Boc and Renault official Patrick Pelata.

Three Dead, One Badly Injured In Train-Hit Car In W Romania

Three people died and one was injured after a car was hit by a train Monday morning, at a railroad crossing in Timis county, western Romania.

Romanian Luxury Car Market Plummets In 1H Of ’09

Luxury car sales in Romania decreased in the first half of the year to one third of the sales registered in the same interval of 2008, to less than 60 units, spelling a sharper decline compared to the general car market, which halved in the interval analyzed.

Romanian Police Detain Alleged Thieves Of Steaua Owner’s Car

The three people who allegedly stole the car of Romanian Steaua Bucharest owner Gigi Becali in January were detained by police Tuesday morning after several searches at homes in Mogosoaia, about 10 kilometers outside of Bucharest.

Truck Crashes Into Van In SE Romania, Kills 4

Four people died in a traffic accident Friday evening in southeastern Romanian locality Saligny, where a truck loaded with sand tipped over and crushed a van transporting people.

Hungarian President Arrives In Romania

Hungarian president Laszlo Solyom arrived in Romania Saturday morning, by car, and is heading for central county of Harghita where he will attend the ceremonies celebrating the Day of Hungarians Everywhere.

Romanian Insurers To Allow Amiable Car Crash Acknowledgment Come Jul 1

The amiable solution of traffic accidents resulting in light material damages alone will be applied starting with July 1, after the conclusion of a protocol between car insurance companies at the end of March, said the president of the Romanian insurance system regulator, Angela Toncescu.

Romanian Car Registrations Tumble In Jan

Romanian new car registrations dropped by 53.1% on the year in January, to 13,815 units, while 5,941 used cars were registered in January, down 52.2% in the same month a year earlier.

Romanian Govt Postpones Decision On Car Tax Amendments

The Romanian government has not yet made any decision regarding the pollution tax for cars, and has decided to continue analyzing the variants for the taxation of car owners, said Romanian prime minister Emil Boc.

Romanian Car Tax Talks Put Auto Mkt In Gridlock

The extended talks on the Romanian pollution tax for cars, used car imports and other factors, such as the worldwide auto crisis, have put the market in gridlock and the buyers on stand-by, car producer and importer association APIA president Ernest Popovici told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian New Car Registrations Drop By 8.6% In ‘08, Used Cars Thrive

New car registrations dropped by 8.6% in Romania last year, to 285,504 units, while used car registrations grew by 151.4%, to a record level of 310,885 cars.

Authorized Protest Held In W Romanian City Timisoara Against Car tax

More than one hundred citizens in western Romanian city Timisoara gathered, Sunday morning, in front of the Timis county prefecture, to attend an organized and authorized rally of protest against the tripling of the car tax, a regulation that will come into force Monday.

Romanian Drivers In Countrywide Protest Against Car Tax

Hundreds of Romanian drivers took to the streets Saturday, displeased with the tripling of the pollution tax for used cars.

CAR-ul, banca de împrumuturi rapide

Împinse în ultimii ani într-un con de umbră, casele de ajutor reciproc (sau "roata", cum este mai bine cunoscut sistemul) reintră în atenţie, scrie BUSINESS Magazin.

One Dies, Two Severely Injured In Car Crash S. Romania

One man died and two other were severely injured after their car crashed Thursday night into a commuter bus on national road DN 73 in Clucereasa locality, southern Romania.

Romanian Interior Min Asks PM To Sack Police Chief

Romanian interior minister Cristian David asked Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu to dismiss the chief of Romanian Police, Gheorghe Popa, on grounds of faulty management in the unfolding of police car procurement.

Romanian Police Car Purchases Are Clean – Police Official

The head of the Romanian Police (IGPR), Gheorghe Popa, said that, at his request, DGA, DGIPI, DIF, and SRI informed that there are no suspicions regarding the contracts for the purchase of police cars.

Renault To Develop Its First Car Entirely In Romania By 2012

The first car completely developed, from design to testing, by French carmaker Renault in Romania, will be completed in 2011 or 2012, executive vice president engineering and quality at Renault, Jean-Louis Ricaud, said Thursday