
Over EUR1.5M Missing From Bank Accounts Of Twenty Credit Europe Bank Clients

The number of clients of the local branch of Credit Europe Bank in Brasov, central Romania, who had money withdrawn from their bank accounts without their permission, reached 20, and total damages exceed EUR1.5 million.

Romanian Insurers, Brokers Must Solve Complaints In Maximum 30 Days

Romanian insurers and brokers will be forced to resolve all claims and complaints within 30 days, whether the solution is favorable or not, according to a norm passed by the insurance regulator CSA and published in the Official Journal.

Romanian Politician Nati Meir Faces Three Fraud Complaints – Lawyers

One of the lawyers defending Romanian politician Nati Meir, recently detained on charges of fraud, said three people filed complaints against Meir, stressing one complaint targets the unfolding of a contract involving Meir’s election campaign song for the upcoming presidential elections.

Romanian Labor Min Said Labor Force Is Poorly Trained

One of the real problems faced by Romanian employers is the poor training of the labor force, this being caused by the lack of motivation for education and training manifested by youth, said Romanian labor minister Paul Pacuraru.