
Romanians Who Fail To Pay Health Insurance Contributions To Receive Only Emergency Care – Bill

Romanians who fail to pay their health insurance contribution will receive medical care only in emergency situations, in infectious disease cases and for illnesses included in the national immunization program, according to Romania’s new healthcare bill.

Romanian Govt Ups Justice Min Budget To Cover Pension Costs

Romania's Government has increased the budgets of the Ministry of Justice, Foreign Intelligence Service (SIE) and Special Telecommunications Service (STS) by more than 35 million lei (EUR1=RON4.1902), to cover the higher pension fund contribution rates.

Romanian Self-Employed People Not Targeted By Draft Decree On Social Security Contributions

Romanian self-employed people will not pay social security contributions for their income as stipulated by Government emergency ordinance 58/2010, once a draft act amending the decree comes into force.

Romania’s Pvt Pensions Contributors Stand To Lose EUR1B By 2017 – Assoc

Romanian mandatory private pension contributors have lost EUR200 million since 2009 and will lose EUR1 billion by 2017 because the country has not adhered to the Pillar II contribution increase schedule, says a press release issued Friday by the Romanian Pension Funds' Association, or APAPR.

Romania’s Contribution To 2010 EU Budget Reduced By EUR24.8M

Romania’s contribution to the 2010 European Union budget will be smaller than initially set, as the figures released on April 15, 2010 show the Union registered a EUR2.25 billion surplus in its last year's budget, said the European Commission.

Romanian Draft Unitary Public Pension Law Establishes Individual Categories, Contribution Levels

Romanian individuals with an annual income worth more than four average gross wages, including those with income from copyright, civil agreements or collaboration contracts, will have to pay social security contributions, according to the draft unitary pension law, up for public debate.

Romania Ups Pvt Pension Contribution To 2.5% In 2010 Instead Of Law-Required 3%

Romanians’ contributions to mandatory private pensions will increase by half a percentage point in 2010, to 2.5% of the contributors’ gross wage, instead of the 3% as required by the law regulating private pensions, according to next year’s draft social security budget.

Romanian Insurers’ Contribution To Road Victims Protection Fund Reduced To 0.3%

Romanian insurance companies issuing civil liability insurance (RCA) policies will contribute 0.3% of the RCA premiums collected to the Road Victims Protection Fund, as opposed to the 0.5% contributed right now, according to a decision of the Insurance Supervision Commission (CSA).

Romanian Solidarity Contribution Calculated On Public Sector Pensions, Salaries

The solidarity contribution for the support of people with low income will be collected from individuals with state pensions and/or salaries, calculated at 90% of the difference between the total amount and a ceiling of RON6,700, but without considering income from other sources.