
OpenAI încearcă să blocheze organizaţiile media indiene în procesul de copyright

OpenAI cere excluderea celor mai mari grupuri media din India dintr-un proces de copyright, susţinând că foloseşte doar date publice protejate prin principiile „fair use” (n.r. „utilizare corectă”), scrie Reuters.

Meta se foloseşte de exemplul YouTube pentru a se apăra într-un proces privind drepturile de autor

Mark Zuckerberg foloseşte exemplul YouTube pentru a apăra utilizarea unui set de date protejate de copyright în cazul „Kadrey v. Meta”, scrie TechCrunch.

Twitter dezactivează un mesaj al preşedintelui Trump, din motive de copyright

Twitter a dezactivat un mesaj pe care preşedintele Donald Trump l-a repostat sâmbătă, compania invocând o reclamaţie priivind drepturile de autor, anunţă Reuters.

Parlamentul European a respins o propunere de modificare a legislaţiei drepturilor de autor, care prevedea introducerea unor reglementări mai dure

Parlamentul European a votat joi împotriva unei propuneri ce prevedea introducerea unor reglementări mai dure de protecţie a drepturilor de autor, în contextul unei dezbateri acerbe pe această temă, informează ediţia europeană a site-ului Politico.

Noi reguli de protecţie a dreptului de autor pe internet ar putea fi aplicate la nivelul UE

Cotele de piaţă în Europa ale Google, Facebook, Microsoft şi ale altor mari companii ar putea avea de suferit de pe urma votării de către Comisia pentru Afaceri Juridice din cadrul Parlamentului European a unor regulamente mai dure de protecţie a dreptului de autor (copyright), anunţă Reuters.

Google combate pirateria online. Cum va descuraja compania conţinuturile ilegale

Google a anunţat, la sfârşitul săptămânii trecute, că va modifica algoritmul motorului său de căutare pentru a da prioritate conţinuturilor legale. Modificarea va fi aplicată începând de săptămâna aceasta, a anunţat pe blogul Google - o companie cu sediul în Mountain View, California - vicepreşedintele Amit Singhal.

Şefii Google şi Oracle s-au înfruntat în instanţă, în timpul procesului de copyright dintre companii

Directorii generali ai Google şi Oracle, Larry Page şi Larry Ellison, s-au înfruntat, la San Francisco, în cea de-a doua înfăţişare la un proces în care Oracle acuză Google că sistemul Android "calcă în picioare" drepturile de proprietate intelectuală asupra limbajului de programare Java.

Apple, acuzată că vinde copii piratate ale cărţilor pe App Store, de către un grup de scriitori chinezi

Un grup de 22 de autori chinezi au dat în judecată Apple pentru 50 milioane yuani (8 milioane de dolari), acuzând compania că vinde, prin App Store, copii nelicenţiate ale cărţilor scrise de ei, potrivit presei chineze.

Romanian Govt: Employers To Withhold, Pay Social Contributions For Copyright Income

The Romanian Government decided in its meeting Wednesday that employers shall withhold, declare and calculate the pension insurance contribution and the contribution to the unemployment fund for their employees’ income from copyright, Labor Minister Ioan Botis said Wednesday.

Romania PM Says Govt Not In Favor Of Doubling Social Security Contributions For Copyright Income

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said in the Government meeting Wednesday that the Executive is not in favor of doubling social security contributions for people who gain income from copyright and asked Finance Minister Gheorghe Ialomitianu to consider this aspect.

Romanian PM To Meet With Finance, Labor Ministers For Talks On Fiscal Code, Public Sector Wages

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Tuesday called for a meeting with the ministers of Finance and Labor, regarding the ordinance amending the Fiscal Code, which will also be discussed with employers’ organizations, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Authorities To Set New Rules On Social Security Contributions For Copyright Income

Romanians who gain income from copyright and civil conventions will have their statements on social security contributions filed by their employers, who will also transfer these contributions to the budget, Finance Minister Gheorghe Ialomitianu told newspaper Gandul Sunday.

Romania’s Decree Extending Tax Pool Not Directed Against True Creators – PM

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday he is willing to hold talks with freelancers, who said they will stage protests and will not pay the new taxes on income gained from copyright, in order to make them understand that the amendments to the Tax Code are not directed against “true creators.”

Romanians Occasionally Gaining Copyright Income Exempt From Social Security Contributions

Romania’s Government decided in its meeting Wednesday that people who own a record of employment and gain copyright income only occasionally will not pay social security contributions for the income obtained from copyright.

Romanian Press Club, Press Employers To Do Their Utmost To Have Copyright Tax Norms Amended

The Romanian Press Club (CRP) and the Romanian Press Employers (PPR) disapprove of the authorities’ decision to collect social security contributions for income gained from copyright starting July 1, as the decision will have a serious impact on journalists.

Romanian Freelancers To Pay Social Security Contributions

Romanians who gain income from freelance activities will pay a 16.5% social security contribution, as any other employee, but only for sums that amount to five average gross salaries per year, namely 10,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2234), Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said Wednesday.

Romania To Introduce Pension, Healthcare Contributions For Copyright Income – Labor Min

Romania’s Labor Minister Mihai Seitan said Monday that the Ministry will draw up a draft law through which earners of copyright income will contribute to the pension, healthcare and unemployment benefit systems like all regular wage earners.

Romania To Introduce Unitary Contributions For Copyright, Civil Convention Income – Labor Min

Romania will draw up a special law to regulate copyright, civil conventions and aspects regarding authorized individuals, and will set unitary social contributions for income generated by these activities, Labor Minister Mihai Seitan said at the end of Wednesday’s Government meeting.

Romania’s Govt Estimates To Collect Extra RON421M In Meal Vouchers, Copyright Income Tax Revenues

Romania’s Government estimates it will collect extra 345 million lei (EUR1=RON4.1751) in the second half of the year by applying a 16% tax on meal vouchers, and extra RON76 million by deducting social security contributions from copyright income and reducing deductible quotas to 25%, from 40%.

Romania To Collect New Taxes To Increase Budget Revenues

Romanian Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said the country will apply a 16% tax on income gained from copyright, stock activities, the interest generated by bank deposits, mandate contracts, as well as on authorized individuals, newspaper Gandul reported.

Romanians With Income Exclusively From Copyright To Pay Social Security Contributions – Labor Min

Romanian Labor Minister Mihai Seitan said Monday that, under the draft pension law, people whose income comes exclusively from copyright would no longer be exempt from paying social security contributions, but that the measure would not apply to those who also have labor contracts.

The Pirate Bay, vândut pentru 5,5 milioane euro

Fondatorii site-ului de file sharing The Pirate Bay, una dintre cele mai controversate pagini de internet, au vândut această afacere unei firme de software din Suedia pentru 60 de milioane de coroane suedeze (5,5 milioane euro).

Romanian Importers To Pay 0.5% Copyright When Bringing In iPods, MP3 Players

Romanian importers of mobile phones with memories higher than 64 MB, MP3 players and iPods need to pay copyright 0.5% from the customs value of these devices, according to a decision of the Romanian Organization for Authorship Rights (ORDA), published on May 13 in the Romanian Official Journal.

Romanian Cable Operators Frown At Proposed 12% Copyright Fee

The Romanian Cable Communications Association warned that an increase from 2% to 12% of the remuneration for copyright and other rights, demanded from cable communications operators by authorities, does not comply with European practices and will bring a 10% increase in subscription fees.

Romanian Senate Chairman Says People Making A Living On Copyright Should Be Protected

Romanian Senate Chairman Mircea Geoana said Tuesday, after an informal meeting with members of the Romanian Press Club, that people earning a living from copyright should be protected.

Opera lui Gandhi intră în domeniul public

Scrierile şi discursurile lui Mahatma Gandhi vor deveni parte a patrimoniului public la sfârşitul lunii ianuarie, când va expira durata de protecţie a drepturilor de autor, operele fiind accesibile oricui doreşte să le publice.