
Romanian Prime Minister “Disappointed” With The CVM Report’s Conclusions

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated at the beginning of Thursday’s cabinet meeting that she is “disappointed” with the conclusions laid out by the European Commission’s critical 2018 Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) report on Romania.

President On EU Criticism: Social Democrat Government Erased 11 Years Of Judicial Progresses

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis commented the critical European Parliament resolution and European Commission CVM report on the country, stating that the 2016-elected social-democrat majority erased judicial progresses registered since Romania’s EU accession.

European Commission Issues Highly Critical CVM Report For Romania

The European Commission urged Romania to immediately suspend its current judicial reform and all ongoing procedures for appointing or dismissing top prosecutors, in an extremely critical 2018 version of its Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) report for the country.

EC: Report On Romania’s Justice Progress To Be Adopted Wednesday

The European Commission’s report under the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) for Romania will be adopted Wednesday, EC spokesman Mark Gray told MEDIAFAX Monday.

Romanian Justice Minister To Discuss CVM With EU Officials In Brussels Next Week

Romanian Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu will meet Monday, in Brussels, with European officials to discuss the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM), stressing that he will reject the use of the CVM as a pretext to affect Romania's interests in cases like Schengen Area accession.

EC Report: Romania Should Improve Cooperation Btw Integrity Agency And Other Judicial Authorities

Romania should implement measures to unify the practice of wealth investigation commissions and improve the cooperation between the National Integrity Agency (ANI) and other judicial authorities, particularly in the public procurement area, says the EC report on Romania’s justice system.

EC Asks Romania For Norms On Parliamentary Immunity Waiver

The European Commission asks Romania to speed up the resolution of high-level corruption cases, so as to avoid prescriptions in all cases, and also suggests it adopt clear procedural rules on the waiving of parliamentary immunity.

EC Report On Romania: Confiscation Of Criminal Assets Hampered By Restrictive Court Practices

A small share of illegally-obtained assets are confiscated in Romania, because of limited confiscation possibilities provided by law, restrictive court practice and a lack of proactive behavior by the prosecution, says the European Commission's report on the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism.

EC Asks Romania For Law On Extended Confiscation, Results Against Money Laundering

The European Commission asks Romania for convincing results in the recovery of proceeds from crime, a new law on extended confiscation and results in pursuing money laundering a stand-alone offense.

EC Report: Romania Must Adopt Transparent, Objective Decisions Within Judiciary System

Romania must adopt transparent and objective management decisions within the judiciary system, including the promotion system to the High Court of Justice, says the European Commission in its report on Romania under the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism, published Wednesday.

EC Report: Romania’s Fight Against Corruption Should Have Parliament Support

The fight against corruption should remain a top priority, with support from the Parliament, says the European Commission in its report on Romania under the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM), published Wednesday.

EC Report On Romania : Commitment Necessary For Better Results In Asset Confiscation

The European Commission says, in the report on Romania under the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism, that commitment is needed to implement the new codes, restructure the judiciary, consolidate the anti-corruption policy and deliver better results in the confiscation of unjustified assets.

EC Report: Sanctions Applied After Romanian Integrity Agency Findings Rarely Dissuasive

Few sanctions have been applied as a result of the Romanian National Integrity Agency's findings and those applied are rarely dissuasive, while court rulings on conflicts of interest in the area of public procurement come too late, says the European Commission's report on justice.

EC Report: Romania Not Yet Engaged In Thorough Reform Of Justice Disciplinary System

Improving the Romanian judiciary's accountability remains an important challenge, as Romania has not yet engaged in a thorough reform of the disciplinary system, says the European Commission's report on justice, which will be published Wednesday in Brussels.

EC Report: Romania Took Steps To Improve Judicial Procedures

Romania has taken steps to improve the efficiency of its judiciary and prepared the implementation of the four new codes, the foundation of a modern judicial process, while the National Anticorruption Department continued its probes into high-level corruption, says the EC report on justice.

EC To Release Report On Romanian Justice Sector Friday – President

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Thursday on public radio that the European Commission's report on Romania's justice sector will be released Friday at the latest.

Romania Can Meet Justice Reform Goals If Ministry, Magistrates’ Council Work Together

Romania could meet most of its objectives under the EU’s Cooperation and Verification Mechanism this year if the Justice Ministry and High Council of Magistrates get along and act together, Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu said Tuesday.

CVM Tomis Constanţa – campioana României a doua oară consecutiv

Echipa CVM Tomis Constanţa a câştigat, duminică, pentru a doua oară consecutiv, titlul de campioană a României la volei masculin, după ce a învins, pe teren propriu, cu scorul de 3-1 (29-27, 21-25, 25-10, 25-12), formaţia VCM Piatra Neamţ, transmite corespondentul MEDIAFAX.