
Ce au spus Trump şi Biden despre pandemia COVID-19, economia SUA, schimbările climatice şi conflictul rasial

Într-o dezbatere electrorală care s-a remarcat prin atacuri şi întreruperi, ideile au reprezentat mai degrabă un pretext pentru sabotarea adversarului. Principalele teme abordate de cei doi au fost pandemia de COVID-19, schimbările climatice, economia SUA sau conflictele rasiale. Ce spun sondajele despre candidaţii Donald Trump şi Joe Biden, în urma dezbaterii de marţi seară Dezbatere […]

Ce spun sondajele despre candidaţii Donald Trump şi Joe Biden, în urma dezbaterii de marţi seară

Şase din zece urmăritori ai dezbaterii dintre Joe Biden şi Donald Trump susţin că Biden este câştigătorul. Doar 28% l-au susţinut pe Donald Trump, conform sondajului CNN. De asemenea, şi în sondajul realizat anterior dezbaterii, cetăţenii americani îl anticipau pe Biden câştigător, cu 56% din voturi. Rezultatele sondajului dezbaterii prezidenţiale de anul acesta sunt asemănătoare […]

Romanian Health Ministry To Begin Talks On New Health Bill Thursday, With Doctors’ College

Romania's Health Ministry will begin discussions Thursday to develop a new healthcare bill and revise the basic service package, with the Doctors' College being the first partner invited for talks.

Romania Integrity Agency Law Under Debate In Chamber Of Deputies Wednesday

The new draft law regulating the activity of the National Integrity Agency (ANI), which was approved by the Romanian Government in its meeting Monday, will be under debate in the Chamber of Deputies’ plenary meeting on Wednesday, Chamber’s democrat liberal secretary Dumitru Pardau said Tuesday.

Romania’s Proposed Tax On Fast-Food To Raise Food Prices 20%, Leave 36,000 People Jobless

Introducing a tax on fast-food in Romania could lead to an average 20% increase in food prices and leave over 36,000 people in the food industry jobless, industry officials said Monday.

Romanian Presidential Candidates Debate National Security Concepts

Romanian presidential candidates Traian Basescu and Mircea Geoana debated Thursday evening national security issues, with the two agreeing that national security needs to be a complex that includes sanitary, food and energy components.

Romanian Pres Refuses To Appoint Fmr Head Lidia Barbulescu For Supreme Court President

Romanian incumbent President Traian Basescu said Thursday, during the presidential runoff debate, that he will not appoint Lidia Barbulescu as president of the High Court of Justice.

Romania-Russia Relations Discussed In Presidential Runoff Debate

Social democrat presidential contender Mircea Geoana told incumbent president Traian Basescu during the presidential runoff debate that he is not welcome in Russia because of his aggressive foreign policy, while Basescu replied saying business relations with Russia are good.

Romanian Social Democrat Candidate Geoana Asks Basescu To Keep Debate Civilized

Romanian social democrat presidential candidate Mircea Geoana said Thursday evening, in his statement opening the electoral debate, that he has projects in store for Romania and asked rival candidate Traian Basescu to not resort to personal attacks as was the case in the election campaign.

Romanian Presidential Debate Marked By Attacks, Irony

In the debate organized Friday, Romanian presidential candidates Mircea Geoana, Crin Antonescu and Traian Basescu used a wide array of rhetoric instruments, from stinging irony to shifts in pace and harsh retorts, but they didn’t hesitate to use low blows either.

Campaign Staffs Of Romania’s Top Presidential Contenders Agree On Direct Debate Wednesday

Romania’s Social Democratic Party election campaign spokesperson Victor Ponta recently said the election campaign staffs of Romania’s top presidential contenders agreed on a face-to-face debate Wednesday evening, at 8 p.m., at the Parliament Palace.

Romanian President, Liberal Leader Accuse Each Other Of Being Politically Manipulated

Romanian President Traian Basescu and liberal presidential candidate Crin Antonescu accused each other, during a debate held Saturday in Cluj-Napoca, northwestern Romania, of being politically manipulated.

Romanian Green Party Presidential Candidate To Participate In Public Debate In Cluj

Romanian Green Party presidential candidate Remus Cernea told MEDIAFAX Saturday he will participate alongside President Traian Basescu and liberal presidential candidate Crin Antonescu in a public debate in Cluj, northwestern Romania, adding he has doubts the meeting will take place today.

Romanian Social Democrat Leader Proposes Presidential Candidates To Meet Wednesday

Romanian social democrat presidential candidate Mircea Geoana said he will participate Saturday in election campaign events in Braila and Tulcea, southeastern Romania, and proposed presidential candidates to meet Wednesday at the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest.

Romania’s Draft Code Of Education Up For Public Debate For 3 Weeks

Romania’s draft Code of Education was launched for public debate Friday, on the Education Ministry’s website and it will be analyzed by social partners and the representatives of parents, pupils and students, over the next three weeks.

Romanian Democrat Liberals Challenge Education Min Over Education Code

The president of the Romanian democratic liberal women, Sulfina Barbu, said Thursday the education law proposed by education minister Ecaterina Andronescu is beyond the governing agenda, and responsibility will be assumed foe the presidential committee’s draft law, which can be amended.

Romanian Social Democrat Leader Urges For Public Debate On Personal Data Storage

Social democrat leader Mircea Geoana on Tuesday said Romania still faces many suspicions about the misuse of instruments to store personal data, which should be eliminated via public debates.

Romanian Senate To Debate Act Putting Off Teachers’ Wage Hikes Next Monday

Romania’s Senate Standing Office decided Tuesday that the Government Emergency Ordinance postponing the 50% increase in teachers’ wages until April 1, 2009 would be debated in its plenary meeting next Monday.

Romania’s UDMR Proposes Voting Rights For 16-Year Olds

The Democratic Union of Magyars in Romania proposed the reduction of the minimum voting age from 18 to 16, and the minimum required age for administration positions from 21 to 20. Both initiatives will be up for public debate during the electoral campaign, said UDMR Executive President Kelemen Hunor

Romanian Senate Committees To Debate Teacher Pay Hike Delay Next Week

Romanian Senate secretary Ivan Cismaru told MEDIAFAX Friday that, after publishing in the Official Gazette, the Government Ordinance postponing the increase of salaries in education will be analyzed by the Senate special committees, and the plenary vote will probably be cast on November 10.

Romanian PM Urges Lawmakers To Vote For 2008 State Budget

Romanian Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu asked lawmakers to forget political feuds and voter-friendly actions and vote for the 2008 state budget, which he said is balanced and allows the country to continue developing.