draft law

Romanian Lower House Committee Draws Up New Report On Stray Dog Bill

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies’ public administration committee on Wednesday drew up a new report on a draft law regarding stray dogs, and decided local authorities may take any measure concerning stray dogs, including euthanize them, only after they consult the citizens.

Romanian Senate Adopts Bill Implementing Criminal Code

The Romanian Senate on Wednesday adopted the draft law implementing the Criminal Code and amending a series of normative acts on criminal matters.

Romanian Govt To Reduce No. Of Family Allowance Beneficiaries By About 100,000

About 100,000 Romanian beneficiaries of single-parent family allowances and complementary family allowances will no longer receive these social benefits with the coming into force of a bill lowering the required income cap to 370 lei (EUR1=RON4.2597) per family member from the current RON470.

Romania’s Govt Debates Draft Law Regulating Family Allowances

Romania’s Government Monday will debate a draft law which states that single-parent family allowances and complementary family allowances will merge, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.

Romania PM Says Draft Law Recalculating Special Pensions Adopted By Default In Parliament

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Friday said the draft law recalculating special pensions was adopted by default in Parliament, as it was not subject to a no-confidence motion, and stressed he truly hopes the law will not be subject to any motion whatsoever.

Romania’s Integrity Agency To Continue Screening Public Officials’ Wealth Statements – Draft Law

Romania’s Government approved Monday a draft law whereby the National Integrity Agency (ANI) is allowed to screen public officials’ wealth and interest statements, including classified data.

Romanian Senate Adopts Draft Law To Build At Least 50,000 Social Homes

Romania’s Senate adopted Wednesday with 38 to 36 votes and one abstention a normative act drafted by social democrats and conservatives, regarding the construction of at least 50,000 fully equipped social homes.

Romania’s Govt Draws Up Draft Law To Regulate Medicine Supply Within National Health Programs

A draft decision of Romania’s Government states medicines needed for the ambulatory treatment of cancer patients included into the national health program will be available starting July 1 in pharmacies belonging to the healthcare units involved in the program.

Romania’s Economy Min Resumes Debates On Draft Law Supporting Young Entrepreneurs

Romanian youths that plan to set up firms will be exempt from paying taxes on profit and salaries in the first three years, according to a draft law put up for public debate by Romania’s Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment, after a similar draft act was debated in September 2009.

Romanian Democrat Liberal Senators Propose Draft Law To Amend Fiscal Code

Several Romanian democrat liberals proposed a draft law to amend the Fiscal Code so that companies that signed service contracts with the state should pay the value added tax only after the state pays back the money owed for the respective services, said democrat liberal senator Orest Onofrei.

Romania’s Draft Law On Energy Sector Reorganization Was Finished, Can Be Approved By Govt Monday

Romania’s draft normative act regarding the setting up of two national energy companies was finished and can be approved in a government meeting on Monday, people closed to the matter told MEDIAFAX Sunday.

Draft Law Implementing Postal Voting For Romanians Abroad Outlined In 2006 – Foreign Min

Romania’s Foreign Affairs Ministry told MEDIAFAX Thursday a draft law implementing postal voting for Romanians living abroad was drawn up in December 2006 and forwarded to the Electoral Standing Authority to be amended.

Romanian MP Drafts Law Introducing 0.5% Wealth Tax On Net Worth Topping EUR500,000

Romanian social democrat lawmaker Mugurel Surupaceanu submitted with the Chamber of Deputies’ Standing Office a draft law introducing a wealth tax whereby households pay an annual 0.5% on net worth of more than EUR500,000.

Romanian Liberals Submit Proposition To Downsize Parliament To 316 Lawmakers

Romania’s Liberal Party submitted a draft law to downsize the Parliament to just 316 lawmakers from the current 471, liberals Eugen Nicolaescu said Thursday, adding there is no need for a referendum to downsize the Parliament, but a mere legislative amendment.

Local Taxes In Romanian Capital To Rise 15% As Of 2010

Inhabitants of Romania’s capital, Bucharest, may pay 15% higher local taxes in 2010, up to 15.49% more for buildings, depending on their location and the materials they are made up of, according to a City draft law.

Romanian Deputies Can Approve Draft Law On Good Practices Code In Extraordinary Session – Agr Min

Romanian agriculture minister Ilie Sarbu said Wednesday he hopes the draft law on the Code of Good Practices in the food products trade will be adopted by the Chamber of Deputies in an extraordinary meeting.

Romanian Senators Vote To Extend Pregnancy Leave To 24 Weeks

Romanian senators on Wednesday adopted, 79 to one vote and one abstention, a draft law extending pregnancy leave to 24 weeks from the current 18 weeks allowed by the law.

Romanian Unitary Wage Draft Law To Be Presented To Govt Next Week – State Secretary

Romanian Labor Ministry state secretary Valentin Mocanu said on Thursday, following a workgroup meeting, that the draft law on the public sector unitary wage grid will be presented to the Government for analysis next week.

Romanian Labor Ministry In Charge Of Developing Public Sector Unitary Pay Law

Leaders of Romania’s governing coalition decided Monday the Ministry of Labor will be in charge of completing the draft single and unitary wage law for the public sector, which should be ready by the end of June, democrat liberal vice-president Gheorghe Flutur said.

Romania Ex-Environ Min Wants New Law To Regulate Danube Delta Bio Reserve

Romanian former environment minister, democrat liberal Deputy Sulfina Barbu, has presented a proposal to amend the law on Danube Delta’s Biosphere reservation, aiming to increase fines and clarify the reservation patrimony’s situation.

Romania Mulls Reducing Parental Leave To One Year And A Half From Two Years

Romanian Labor Ministry state secretary Mariana Nedelcu said at a meeting organized by the national child protection authority with county departments that the ministry is working on a draft law to reduce parental leave to one year and a half from the current two years.

Romanian Far-Rightists, Democrat-Liberals Eye EUR5B From Forex Reserve For Agriculture

Romania’s far-right Grater Romania Party and the Democratic Liberal Party submitted a draft law to the Senate stipulating the assignment of EUR5 billion from Romania’s foreign exchange reserves for the development of agriculture.

Romanian Military Staff Compelled To Attend Missions On Foreign Theaters Of Operations

Romanian active military personnel will be compelled to attend missions outside the country at the request of Ministry of Defense, according to a draft act seeking to amend the statute of military staff.

Romanian Local Councils Obliged To Lease Lands For Student Hostels – Senate

The Romanian Senate tacitly adopted a draft law stating local councils are obliged to lease to universities, for 49 years, lands for the building of three-star student hostels.

Romanian Senate OKs Additional Aid To Low-Income Families

The Romanian Senate in plenary session Wednesday adopted a proposal of the Conservative Party for the grant of additional aid to families whose incomes are lower than the net average salary and to single-parent families with the same low income.

Romanian Leftist Opposition Proposes Single Environment Tax

Romania’s leftist opposition Social Democratic Party, or PSD, will initiate a draft law proposing a single environmental tax levied on polluters, planning to use the money for environment programs, especially stimulating the renewal of the country’s car pool.

Romanian Democrats Invite Parties To Support Majority Uninominal Voting Sys

Democrat leader Emil Boc said Thursday after the meeting with the head of state, that the Democratic Party (PD) invites all parties, especially social democrats, to support their draft law introducing the majority uninominal voting system for legislative elections, which PD submitted in Senate.

Romanian Democrats Submit Uninominal Vote Draft Law In Senate Tuesday

Romania’s Democratic Party, or PD, will submit Tuesday in Senate a draft law introducing the majority uninominal voting system in two rounds of elections, and cutting the number of lawmakers by 15%.