
The Environment Guard head in Bucharest has been sacked

Viorel Glăman has been dismissed from the position Bucharest's Environmental Guard chief. Environment acting minister, Costel Alexe, has made a request to this effect to the National Environmental Guard, following the scandal caused by excessive pollution in the Capital.

Romanian PM Appoints New Head Of Environment Protection Agency

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Monday appointed Gabriel Abos head of the National Environment Protection Agency (ANPM), replacing Iosif Nagy, who resigned after Romania was barred from trading green certificates.

Romanian Companies Charged EUR200 For EU Ecolabel, No Yearly Fee

Romanian companies requesting a European Union Ecolabel, to promote their "green" products and services, will pay a one-time EUR200 per product as an application processing fee and will not be required to pay a yearly fee.

Romanian Govt Considers Replacing Car Registration Tax With Yearly Pollution Tax

Romania's Government will make a decision regarding the new version of the car pollution tax in the next two weeks, while considering a new idea – to introduce a general pollution tax applicable to all cars, Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely said Tuesday.

CJEU Dismisses EC Action Against Romania Over Wild Bird Conservation

The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled inadmissible the European Commission's action against Romania for its failure to provide protection for wild birds, Bogdan Manoiu, head of the Department for European Affairs, told MEDIAFAX on Thursday.

Romanian Environment Min: ECJ Ruling On Pollution Tax Refers To Older Version

Romania's Environment Ministry said Friday that the European Court of Justice's (ECJ) judgment on the car pollution tax refers to the initial form of the act introducing the tax and not the one amended in 2010.

Romanian Environment Ministry Seeks To Improve 2011 Clunkers Program

The Romanian Environment Ministry and the Environment Fund Administration are looking into ways to enhance the country’s 2011 clunkers program, and increasing the number of scrapping vouchers an individual can use is one of the measures considered.

EXCLUSIVE: Romanian Environment Ministry’s Expenses To Increase By 2013

The Romanian Environment Ministry’s total expenses are seen to increase in the next three years, according to estimates in the country’s three-year fiscal strategy approved by the Government Wednesday.

Romanian Parliament Committees Thumb Down Proposed Environment Minister

Romania’s Parliament committees for public administration thumbed down proposed Environment Minister Sulfina Barbu with 21 to 15 votes.

Romanian Environment Min Drafts Picnic Area Law

The head of the Romanian National Agency for Environmental Protection, Mihail Faca, said Wednesday the Ministry of Environment is working on a picnic law that will compel local authorities to provide conditions for picnic goers and to fine litterers.

Romanian Environ Ministry Proposes Car Tax Exemption For The Disabled

Romania’s Environment Ministry proposed further exemptions from car tax payment, as part of anti-crisis measures, which target mobile machinery whose engines comply with pollution norms, and vehicles owned by people with disabilities, even if they do not have driving licenses.

Romanian Lawmakers OK Setup Of Committee To Check Contract Awarded By Environment Min

Romania’s Chamber of Deputies approved Wednesday 186 to one vote and one abstention the creation of an investigation committee to look into the awarding by negotiation of an advertising contract by the Ministry of Environment in April.

Romania Risks EC Infringement Over Waste Management

Romania risks infringement procedures by the European Commission this fall because it failed to meet environmental commitments and shut down substandard landfills, Romanian environment minister Nicolae Nemirschi said Tuesday.

Romania Might Introduce Pollution Tax In 2010 To Replace Car Tax – Environment Min

Romanian environment minister Nicolae Nemirschi said Friday after a public debate that the ministry plans to introduce a tax as of 2010, calculated considering pollution levels, to replace the country’s current car tax.

Romania Won’t Scrap Eco-tax On Plastic Bags – Minister

The Romanian government won’t scrap the eco-tax charged for plastic bags and whoever said publicly that the tax would be suspended did not have the government’s approval, environment minister Nicolae Nemirschi said Thursday.

Romanian Car Park Renewal Program Starts Monday, March 2 – Min

Romanian environment minister Nicolae Nemirschi said Thursday that owners of cars older than ten years may start buying new cars as of Monday under the country’s car park renewal program and car numbers for each carmaker will be set Friday.

Environment Commission To Ask Romanian Govt to Suspend Eco-Tax for 3-4 Months

The Commission for Public Administration and the Environment with the Chamber of Deputies will ask the Romanian Government to suspend applying for 3-4 months the Emergency Ordinance which taxes plastic bags, to improve the normative act.

Global Warming Will Make Desert-Like Soil In Romania – Environment Min

Romania’s grain production will drop 40% compared to the current, and ten counties in the country will have arid soil due to the global warming in the next 20 years, Environment Minister Nicolae Nemirschi said Saturday.

Romanian Environ Min Checks Only Environment Aspects In Govt Decisions On Lease Contracts

Romanian Environment Ministry only checked the environment aspects in the appendix of the Black Sea reserves lease contract, according to the law, without knowing the nature of the contract, former environment minister Korodi Attila stated Wednesday.

Romania Could Lower Car Tax At Registration, Charge Annual Tax Considering Pollution Standards

Romania’s car tax could be lower in value at the time of vehicle registration and later included in the annual tax paid by owners and calculated in ratio with the vehicle’s pollution standards, according to one of the variants the government is considering in a move to change the car tax regime.

Romania’s Environ Min Vows To Tackle Car Tax Issue In Jan ‘09

Romania’s new environment minister, Nicolae Nemirschi, said Tuesday, after taking over his portfolio, that he rejoices the "support" of Prime Minister Emil Boc in tackling the car tax issue in January 2009.

Court Suspends Penalties Against Romanian Waste Collector Protan

A Bucharest court on Wednesday decided to suspend the penalties against non-hazardous waste collector Protan SA (PRON.RO) levied by environment authorities, pending a final and binding ruling in the case.

Romania’s Protan Declines Official Info On Activity Suspension

Romanian non-hazardous waste collector Protan SA (PRON.RO) on Wednesday said it has not received any official notice to suspend activity and that it will carry on operations “in the interest of public health in Romania.”

Romania’s Protan Sees 6-Mo Activity Suspension On Environ Irregularities

Romanian environment inspectors on Wednesday decided to suspend for six months the activity of non-hazardous waste collector Protan SA (PRON.RO) for having failed to build a used water purifying facility in due time.

Romania Grants Subsidies For Renewable Energy Via Green House Progr

Romania’s Environment Ministry on Thursday launched a national program called “Green House”, aimed to stimulate the development of renewable energy equipment, Minister Attila Korodi said.

Romanian Environment Min Talks About Illegal Lumberjacking

Romanian environment minister Attila Korodi said the situation with illegal lumberjacking is serious, and the ministry will initiate inspections, together with all institutions concerned.

Romanian PM Says EU Eco-Measures Must Keep The Industry In Mind

European environment protection legislation needs to impose strict rules, but also to allow the industry to survive, without forcing companies to transfer their activities in areas where there are no eco-regulations, said Romanian prime minister Calin Tariceanu.

Nearly One Third Of Romanians Lack Running Water, Sewage

Romania’s environment minister Attila Korodi said Wednesday 32% of Romanians lack running water and sewage services and Romania needs to invest in waste management, water and waste water administration to catch up with other European countries.

Romanian Environment Min Declares War To Plastic Bags

Romanian environment minister Korodi Attila will propose a law making plastic bags, available free of charge at stores, target for "drastic" taxation. This would get vendors to use alternative bags, made of environmentally friendly materials, for which there will not be any taxes.

Romanian Ex Environment Min Heard In Land Case

Romanian former environment minister Aurel Constantin Ilie is heard Tuesday, by anticorruption prosecutors, in a case regarding the lease of land around the lake Vacaresti in Bucharest.