
Giganţi din tehnologie din lumea întreagă aderă la standardele UE privind siguranţă AI

Mai bine de 100 de companii, inclusiv Microsoft şi Google, au aderat la Pactul UE pentru inteligenţa artificială.

Marcel Ciolacu asks for EU financial support for Romania and other states on the „front line”

Romania's Chamber of Deputies speaker, Marcel Ciolacu, the Social-Democratic Party (PSD)'s leader, has spoken on Thursday with the president of the European Socialists, Sergei Stanishev. He called for "EU financial support for Romania and other member states being now on the front line".

Romania Ranks 26 in the EU 28 by Performance in Digitization

Romania ranks 26th out of 28 EU member states in the European Commission's 2020 Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) released Thursday.

Romania’s president: I will support the creation of an economic recovery fund for all EU member states

Romania's president Klaus Iohannis has said on Thursday he will support the creation of an economic recovery fund in the European Union that could benefit all member states. The president added that the support offered by the EU so far to Romania reaches 1,5 billion euros.

Victor Negrescu: Romania needs to establish a team to deal with EU funds

Victor Negrescu has announced that on Wednesday takes place the first European-level discussion on the funds to be allocated by the EU. Romania receives 491 million euros and can subsequently benefit from 2,5 billion euros. He stated that our country must establish a team to deal with the issue.

Klaus Iohannis: The European Union must be closer to its citizens

The European Union must maintain its fundamental values and principles and should be closer to its citizens, Romania's president Klaus Iohannis has said at Cotroceni Palace on Wednesday, at the Coudenhove-Kalerg European Award ceremony.

Marcel Ciolacu:The European Commission says stop to the electoral changes done by the PNL Government

The interim PSD leader Marcel Ciolacu writes on Facebook on Tuesday that the members of the European Commission "say stop to the electoral changes done by the PNL Government", referring to a letter signed by EC president Ursula von der Leyen transmitted to the Social-Democratic Party.

Siegfried Mureşan: EC will provide 750 million euros to Romania for Jiu Valley and Oltenia region

Romania is to receive 750 million euros from the European Commission to finance projects to ensure the transfer to a green economy in areas such as Oltenia or Jiu Valley, EU Parliament member Siegfried Mureşan has said on Friday.

Dan Nica has requested EC’s support for mining regions affected by the Ecological Pact

PSD's eurodeputies delegation's head Dan Nica has requested the support of the European Commission for carrying out sustainable projects for the mining and energy-intensive regions that will be affected by the European Ecological Pact, according to a press release from the party.

Turcan: The Government withdrew the decrees on European funds for fear of the European Commission

Deputy prime minister Raluca Turcan has said the Government's decision to withdraw emergency decrees on European funds has been done in order not to leave the impression to the European Commission that they have faults.

The EC has activated the infringement procedure against Romania, because of illegal logging

The European Commission has announced that it has activated the infringement procedure against our country on Wednesday, due to faulty legislation that does not allow the Romanian authorities to manage and verify the large quantities of illegally cut wood from Romania's forests.

Iohannis: Romania agrees with granting European funds depending on the rule of law

Romania agrees with the project on granting European funds for an EU state depending on the observance of the rule of law, Klaus Iohannis has said in Brussels on Friday. The president added that the specialists "have more work to do" for developing practical criteria.

Romania Could Take Part in European Naval Mission in the Persian Gulf

Romania is among the countries which could take part in a future European naval mission in the Persian Gulf to counteract Iranian actions in the region, according to EU sources quoted by AFP and Die Welt.

Romania Not Registered in EU’s New Tobacco Track and Trace System

The European Commission announced on Tuesday that Romania has not yet registered in the EU’s newly launched track and trace system for tobacco products.

Romanian President on Sibiu Summit: We Are Deciding the Future of the EU

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday, shortly before the EU Summit in Sibiu was due to begin, that the future of the European Union will be decided during the meeting, adding that a common statement has been drafted to show the resolve and unity of member states.

Timmermans Threatens Romania’s Ruling Party with Exclusion from European Socialists

The Party of European Socialists’ (PES) candidate for European Commission president, Frans Timmermans, warned Romania’s Social Democrat Party (PSD) on Friday that it could be excluded because of the situation of the rule of law in the country.

European People’s Party Leader Request Socialists to Sanction Romanian Social Democrats

The European People’s Party (EPP) candidate for European Commission president, Manfred Weber, requested his European Socialists (PES) opponent Frans Timmermans to propose sanctions for Romania’s Social Democrat Party (PSD), who he said were “close to partially legalizing corruption”.

Mişcarea #şîeu, pe paginile ambasadelor şi a Reprezentanţei Comisiei Europene | FOTO, VIDEO

Ambasadele Danemarcei şi Suediei la Bucureşti, Reprezentanţa Comisiei Europene în România au transmis, vineri, pe Facebook mesaje, în contextul protestului #şîeu pentru construirea autostrăzilor în ţara noastră.

Gabriela Firea, despre autostrăzi şi protestul #şîeu: Este principalul nostru minus ca ţară

Primarul general, Gabriela Firea, a declarat, vineri, că lipsa de autostrăzi şi infrastructura precară, în general, reprezintă cel mai mare minus al României. Firea laudă protestul #şîeu şi spune că întreaga clasă politică este vinovată pentru situaţia actuală în ceea ce priveşte autostrăzile.

Studenţii din Capitală participă la protestul #şîeu: Vrem o schimbare, vrem o viaţă mai bună | FOTO, VIDEO

Peste 100 de studenţii s-au alăturat, vineri, iniţiativei #şîeu şi protestează în Piaţa Universităţii. Tinerii spun că au răspuns protestului iniţiat de omul de afaceri din Suceava pentru că vor autostrăzi în România, dar şi pentru că vor o schimbare în ţara noastră.

Belgium Requests Romania to Introduce Airline Pollution Tax on EU Council Agenda

A Belgian regional minister representing the country at an EU meeting in Brussels requested Romania to file, as EU Council president, an initiative to increase taxes for commercial flights due to pollution on the Council’s agenda.

Prime Minister: Romania Supports North Macedonia’s EU Accession

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Thursday, in a common press conference held with North Macedonian PM Zoran Zaev in Bucharest, that she assured her counterpart of Romania’s support for the Balkan country’s accession to the European Union.

European Parliament Committees Approve Report Allowing Romania To Join Future EMF

The European Parliament’s committees adopted on Thursday a preliminary report regarding the establishment of a European Monetary Fund (EMF), together with an amendment which allows the participation of EU member states who are not part of the Eurozone, such as Romania.

Romanian Prosecutor Loses EU Council Vote For EPPO Leadership

Romanian prosecutor Laura Codruta Kovesi, who is considered the frontrunner to lead the upcoming European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), lost a secret vote held by the ambassadors of EU states to French prosecutor Jean-Francois Bohnert, according to sources quoted by news site New Europe.

Microsoft: Political Organizations In Europe, Including Romania, Targeted By Cyber Attacks

Several political organizations and institution in Romania were targeted by cyber attacks possibly originating from Russia as part of a European-wide campaign revolving around the upcoming European Parliament election, according to American tech giant Microsoft.

Romanian PM Accuses EU Of Double Standards On Corruption Criticism

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila accused the European Union of using double standards when it criticizes the country on issues of corruption and cracking down on protests, in an interview offered for

Romanian President To Meet With EU High Representative For Foreign Affairs

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis will meet on Friday with the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, at the Presidential Palace in Bucharest.

Romania To Receive Migrants Blocked On Humanitarian Ship

Romania will receive part of the extra-EU migrants which are currently stuck onboard a humanitarian ship docked in Sicily, after the Italian Government refused to allow them access into the country, according to the country’s prime minister.

Foreign Affairs Minister: Romania Opposes Tying EU Funds To Rule Of Law

Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu told AFP on Tuesday that the country opposes the European Union’s plan to condition access to its funds to the state of the rule of law, arguing that the judicial system should be “the prerogative of each country”.

Prime Minister: We Are Ready To Support Romanians In The UK, Regardless Of Brexit Scenario

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Thursday that, regardless of the outcome of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal process from the EU, the Government is ready to offer support for Romanian nationals who are studying and working in the country.

Foreign Affairs Ministry: We Are Expecting Solid Proposals From The UK Government On Brexit

Romania’s Foreign Affairs Ministry issued a statement on Wednesday in which it says that it expects a solid proposal from the UK Government regarding the steps which will follow Tuesday’s rejection of the EU withdrawal bill in its House of Commons.

Romanian PM To European Parliament: Our Vision Involves Reducing Gaps Between Member States

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila held a speech regarding Romania’s EU Council President in the European Parliament on Tuesday, during which she stated that the country will look towards cohesion and reducing gaps between member states.

President: Accession To Schengen Area Not Possible Without Consensus

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis stated on Tuesday that both him and the Government need to collaborate to finalize Romania’s long-awaited accession to the Schengen Area, which he says is “not possible without consensus”.

European Commission Vice-President Criticizes The State Of Rule Of Law In Romania

The EU’s Commissioner for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, Jyrki Katainen, included Romania in the list of countries which have problems with the rule of law in an interview on Wednesday.

EU Parliament Approves Resolution Requesting Schengen Accession For Romania And Bulgaria

The European Parliament approved on Tuesday, with a large majority, a resolution which requests the immediate accession of Romania and Bulgarian to the Schengen Area.

Eurobarometer: Romanians Are Worried Of Electoral Fraud At MEP Elections, Want Younger Candidates

Romanians are among the most worried EU citizens when it comes to electoral fraud and want a different profile for candidates at the upcoming MEP elections, according to a recent eurobarometer.

French President: Romanian EU Council Presidency Will Be Marked By High Stakes

French President Emmanuel Macron stated on Tuesday, during a common statement with Romanian counterpart Klaus Iohannis, that Romania’s upcoming EU Council presidency will be “marked by” important subjects such as Brexit, migration and the roadmap for Europe’s future.

Finland Unsuccesfully Proposed Romania To Take Over Upcoming EU Council Presidency

Finland proposed Romania to take over the upcoming EU Council presidency for the first half of 2019, in the context of political turmoil in the country, but the offer was rejected by authorities in Bucharest, according to Finnish PM Juha Sipila.

President On EU Criticism: Social Democrat Government Erased 11 Years Of Judicial Progresses

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis commented the critical European Parliament resolution and European Commission CVM report on the country, stating that the 2016-elected social-democrat majority erased judicial progresses registered since Romania’s EU accession.

European Commission Issues Highly Critical CVM Report For Romania

The European Commission urged Romania to immediately suspend its current judicial reform and all ongoing procedures for appointing or dismissing top prosecutors, in an extremely critical 2018 version of its Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) report for the country.